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OpenBor Help/Walkthrough?


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So I download the OPENbor set off the ftp and tried the directions as below...


By cowbells

OpenBOR for Hyperspin.

First off, I must give credit where credit is due. Thanks to everyone involved in Hyperspin and Emumovies for making this amazing frontend possible!

This updated OpenBOR project was started by marxkemp and yashijoe. Then dougan78 and I took it over. So go thank all those people if you dig these games.

Open HyperHQ and add a system named OpenBOR. Then drag and drop the folders from the FTP into your Hyperspin root directory. Open up HyperLaunchHQ, under
Global --> Emulators, find OpenBOR and double click. Point the path to PCLauncher.exe which is included in the RomFiles. Go to OpenBOR --> Emulators, set your
Rom Path and set the Default Emulator to OpenBOR. And that's it! You're set up to play these games, that is, unless you went with a crazy naming scheme for
your folders. Then you'll have to move everything around.



BUT I am having issues.

In RL under global/emulators/open I have the EXE set to the PClauncher.exe provided in the ftp pack.

I under openbor emulator I have the rompath set to the romfiles directory. (E:/hyperspin\openbor\romfiles\openbor)


The game database lists all the games and they are green, however when clicking I get error. "Could not find please place your game in its own folder rom_set or set a path in rocketUI"


No Idea what do do to resolve this. I read the notes but I am confused more.


I checked the rom folder and inside it has a black TXT file for each game named accordingly to the database. and there is a 7z of the game.


Anyone help?





What path do u mean? Does it support 7z? Can u clarify please....


I have double checked and every time I run a game I have to setup the controller? (does not save it for universal). I am guessing cause unpacked it uses its own openbor file per game folder?


I am confused... I pointed to the exe in global for openbor but used pclauncher.exe as the read me said in the download I got off official FTP


I make Openbor games and I have always dreamed of having Openbor functionality on my hyperspin project. I have seen a few people have succeeded. and i have even downloaded other peoples works to get a understanding but it never works for me. its all so convoluted...


If someone can explain an easy way for Noobs itd be appreciated.


Hyperspin can be so hard to get a grasp of, and then when you think you do itll have a random bug (like all of a sudden some of my emulators say that they are not supported- even though they were working fine)


fun times.

  • 3 months later...

All I did on mine was add the OpenBore game just like a PC game.

PC Launcher module, add the path to the games exe and that's it. (besides having it in the database & media of course)

Fires up from the wheel just like any other game/system. I just did it that way off the cuff, and it worked first shot.


Always read the module notes. They provide step-by-step instructions on how to make an emulator work on a "typical" setup. Most times you don't need a separate tutorial. Just follow the module notes.


Module in this case is in the "RocketLauncher/Modules/"folder. Look at either the PCLauncher.ahk file or maybe preferably the OpenBOR.ahk (AutoHotKey) file. AHK is the scripting lanquage used by RocketLauncher to issue specific commands at the proper time to bypass quirks in a specific emulator or program so the game loading experience is as seamless as possible. The top portion of the module gives you the setup instructions. Generally if you follow the instructions step-by-step, the game loads and you look like a freaking genius. If it doesn't work, either you missed something, more popularly- something is misnamed (naming is super important), or there is something about your system that is "atypical". Many of these anomalies are anticipated and addressed in the module notes. If all else fails check that you are using the emulator version specified in the top part of the module, that you have the proper dependencies installed (Microsoft VB files, etc.) and most often, that your files and folders are named exactly as the command portion of the module expects.


Probably best in your case (like Jeremy said) to follow the OpenBOR module notes. The RocketLauncher/Modules/OpenBOR folder has an OpenBOR.ini file that has the expected proper folder locations and file naming conventions. And by "expected" I mean the names of the OpenBOR set from the FTP. If you get your files from other "non-expected" places, you have to go through other steps to rename them.


The OpenBOR.ini file in the RocketLauncher folder by default has the "(Example)" added to the filename, so you will have to remove that to simply "OpenBOR.ini" and may want to double check the filename matching to your files and folders. The module notes have specific instructions concerning if your OpenBOR files from the FTP are zipped and also if you have a "dummy emulator". Whether you do or do not, you may have to select specific settings options in RocketLauncher.


To further complicate matters, you could alternatively (as Metalzoic says) use the PCLauncher module in RocketLauncher instead. But in that case, you will have to set up the path to each game's specific "game".exe filename. You do this in RocketLauncher-->SystemName-->Modules (tab)-->Edit Global Module Settings (button)-->Rom Settings (tab)-->Add New Rom Settings (+ button). FWI, this sets up the naming/filename ini like the one that is already in the OpenBOR module folder. In this case, you just manually set it up in the PCLauncher module folder. Not a big deal, but if the work is already done for you in the appropriate module, why repeat it and possibly end up with an "atypical" setup that is even more hard to troubleshoot.




Also, some may say that you could use the shortcut to the module notes by hitting the "View Module Notes" button on the RocketLauncher--->SystemName---->Modules (tab)--->View Module Notes (button), but then you might miss situations such as that the ini file included is only an "(Example)" ini and also miss the fine bit of coding that the RocketLauncher folks put into their AHK files to make you look like a freaking genius.


BTW, this advice applies to most other emulators and programs that you may want to load with HyperSpin. Just look in the RocketLauncher/Modules folder to see if the work has been done for you. If no module, then you are truly on the bleeding edge. You may want to learn AHK and write your own modules.


Lastly, ahk and ini files open in a simple text editor like notepad.exe. Just be careful modifying an ahk file unless you know what you are doing and backup the original. In other words, don't do it!!!!




Most of the time if you get the unsupported system notification from RocketLauncher, it is because you are using a module that was not built for that system. My understanding how it determines this is an appropriate entry in the "MSystem =" line in the module exactly matching that of your systemname/wheel. The OpenBOR module "MSystem =" line only has OpenBOR because it was made for that system. If you look at the PCLauncher module, you will see a lot more systems and the syntax the ahk file has to be formatted to edit that line in the module. The GigaGuide for PCLauncher includes instructions for adding systems so the module "supports" other games (at least until RocketLauncher updates).


Problem is that when you alter the ahk file you sometimes change it's CRC hash which is unique to the original file. Then the next time you open RocketLauncher, if the CRC hash is different RocketLauncher knows and tells you to update to replace the file. I believe the "MSystem =" line may be excluded in this, however, when the RocketLauncher folks update their modules periodically and you hit update/apply, any changes that you made to the module or specific settings will be overwritten.


This is oftentimes why the emulator works one day and doesn't the next.



Possibly also, I am seeing OPENbor, OpenBOR, openbor, and even OpenBore. You can use that if you want, but then you can be considered to have an "atypical" setup. Upper and lower case letter differences and of course misspellings can cause problems. Oftentimes simple things cause side issues and make it harder to troubleshoot.


When in doubt go to RocketLauncher/RocketLauncherUI/Media/Icons (may have been changed to "logos") folder to see the name that RocketLauncher, HyperSync, etc. expects to see.


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