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Main wheel system. Favorites


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I have too many systems on my main wheel that me or the kids rarely play. I don't want to completely delete them from the wheel but would like to "hide" them in a sub wheel. Is there a way I can easily make a sub wheel with the systems that we don't use? It's a lot of scrolling to get to the system we want to play. I am new to hyperspin. Thank you!


Short answer yes and no. No not by default. Yes if you run another instance of hyperspin as a sub wheel with all your systems you want to hide. Afaik it has been achieved with varying degrees of success and i personally recommend scrolling through as it probably isnt worth fooling with. Good luck .


I would recommend deleting your wheel in hyperhq and re-add it later. It just takes a couple seconds. Make sure you only choose the option "just remove from database option" or else all your artwork etc will be deleted and you will be super pissed.


Just go to databases main menu and delete the system name. When u want to make it appear just re add the name

Tapatalk signature

make a backup ;) of your mainmenu.xml

MAME High Score Tutorial For HyperSpin    :alberteinstein:


Wouldn't it just be easier to change "enabled=yes" to "enabled=no" in the main menu database instead? Either manually or with hypert00ls. That way would be the fastest imho. Or am I missing something?



Thank you... I still would like the obscure systems on the setup. Basically I'm looking to have a sub wheel with all the obscure systems in it. Kind of like a Windows folder within a folder.


Yeah I understood that, but there isn't a way to do that that works like you want as far as I know at least. Or is it possible to have a favorites setup for the main menu? Havent tried that, but if it is possible you could then use the favorites as the ones you normally use and then choose all systems to get to all of them.



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