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FightCade - Arcade Online Miltiplayer! [HyperSpin Pack Included]


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EVERYTHING you need to get setup with taking your Arcades online Multiplayer!  I have done this guide to take you through the complete process, give you EVERYTHING you need AND give you all the media and instruction to add this to your HyperSpin setup :D


Get it installed and now we can play each other online on our cabs and setups... easy peesy!



Nice, will need to check the video out when I can... Quick question is this setup cab friendly or is there lots of mouse point and click with the matchmaking

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Ahh ok, so being its own UI I assume all challenges and game starts need to be done within the fightcade program itself? So game selection from a subwheel not gonna work as a module to handle selection, finding opponent, etc... would probably be very difficult to write . We can't have it all it seems :P

Will check this out , see if can make it work with shortcuts and such. As always thanks for sharing!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • 4 months later...

how do i set up keymapping for this when it's launched from hyperhq directly? (need it to make joy2 act as a mouse).


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