C_Wilson009 Posted November 7, 2015 Posted November 7, 2015 Hey Guys, Im having pclauncher run the .bat files to get my games to work in hyperspin. My question is, how do I change the coin and start controls?
kylecp1979 Posted November 7, 2015 Posted November 7, 2015 I don't think you can I use xpadder for Daphne and Daphne Singe
C_Wilson009 Posted November 7, 2015 Author Posted November 7, 2015 I don't think you can I use xpadder for Daphne and Daphne Singe i dont. I have an aimtrak for the games. I think insert coin is '5' and start is '1'. I wanna change those
Metalzoic Posted November 8, 2015 Posted November 8, 2015 i dont. I have an aimtrak for the games. I think insert coin is '5' and start is '1'. I wanna change thoseWell for the other Daphne games just remapping them using Autohotkey works, so it might for the lightgun games too. So under keymapper for the Daphne system you might try that. Make a new profile for the specific game you want. Then click on that game title in the list. Then down below I believe you check the box that says "edit" If you wanted to change the "1" button to "b" (for example), and the "5" button to 9 then type: 1::b 5::9 That's about as simple as AHK gets, but thankfully simple seems to work in Daphne & Daphne Singe.
Metalzoic Posted November 8, 2015 Posted November 8, 2015 that didn't work What exactly are you trying to change?
C_Wilson009 Posted November 8, 2015 Author Posted November 8, 2015 I just tried to do what you said. I wanted the coin button "5" to be "h" instead. I tested it on crime patrol and the AHK change doesn't seem to affect it.
Metalzoic Posted November 8, 2015 Posted November 8, 2015 I just tried to do what you said. I wanted the coin button "5" to be "h" instead. I tested it on crime patrol and the AHK change doesn't seem to affect it. So when you press your coin button (which is 5) you want it to send the H key instead? You put it in like: 5::h Mapped to the game and saved it? Did you try the test icon to make sure it's sending the right "H" output? What game are you trying this on... nevermind, I deleted every Singe game other than Time Gal and Hayate so I can't test it for you. You are using RocketLauncher (not HyperLaunch) right? EDIT: I also can't remember if this works built in to RocketLauncher already or if you have to download and install AHK first... maybe someone else knows the answer to that.
C_Wilson009 Posted November 8, 2015 Author Posted November 8, 2015 So when you press your coin button (which is 5) you want it to send the H key instead? You put it in like: 5::h Mapped to the game and saved it? Did you try the test icon to make sure it's sending the right "H" output? What game are you trying this on... nevermind, I deleted every Singe game other than Time Gal and Hayate so I can't test it for you. You are using RocketLauncher (not HyperLaunch) right? EDIT: I also can't remember if this works built in to RocketLauncher already or if you have to download and install AHK first... maybe someone else knows the answer to that. yes, I mapped it to crime patrol and saved it. I test it in Rocketlauncher and it seems to work. In game however, nothing works. I'll try getting and installing AHK aswell
Metalzoic Posted November 8, 2015 Posted November 8, 2015 Well its possible that the game blocks it. Many games seem to block AHK from working although usually it's modern PC games. Most of the old or arcade stuff has worked for me. Maybe someone with that game can take a minute to test theirs for you.
wesfranks Posted November 9, 2015 Posted November 9, 2015 Another forum suggests that editing or creating a dainput.ini inside the Daphne Singe home directory will work. My Daphne install has this file but my Singe directory does not. I just use the default input controls. It might work to just copy the file from the Daphne directory over to your Daphne Singe directory and edit as needed. Please note that manually editing the file is not recommended, however since the file is not a default in the Singe modified version of Daphne, it might be your best option. The modification of the file is not straight forward as it uses the controls format of the SDL Library. I would recommend you back your Singe directory before trying this. Or better yet, just use the default keys. dapinput.iniIf you want to change Daphne's keyboard input without using DaphneLoader (which is not recommended), then you will need to either edit or create a file called dapinput.ini inside Daphne's home directory.The format of each line the file is as follows:key name = keysym1 keysym2 buttonIDThe "keysyms" refer to keyboard codes that are defined by the SDL library. The buttonID refers to buttons on a joystick where 0 means no button and 1 is the first button (at least, as far as I can remember haha). A full list of "keysyms" can be found in the KeyList section.An example of a dapinput.ini file is:[KEYBOARD]KEY_UP = 273 114 0KEY_DOWN = 274 102 0KEY_LEFT = 276 100 0KEY_RIGHT = 275 103 0KEY_BUTTON1 = 306 97 0KEY_BUTTON2 = 308 115 0KEY_BUTTON3 = 32 113 0KEY_START1 = 49 0 0KEY_START2 = 50 0 0KEY_COIN1 = 53 0 0KEY_COIN2 = 54 0 0KEY_SKILL1 = 304 119 0KEY_SKILL2 = 122 105 0KEY_SKILL3 = 120 107 0KEY_SERVICE = 57 0 0KEY_TEST = 283 0 0KEY_RESET = 284 0 0KEY_SCREENSHOT = 293 0 0KEY_QUIT = 27 0 0END KeyListFrom DaphneWikiJump to: navigation, searchThese are a list of key codes for use in the dapinput.ini file.These codes come from SDL.NOTE : Keys that require shift to be pressed (like !, @, #, and $ on a US keyboard) cannot be mapped for Daphne because Daphne interprets 'shift' as a its own key rather than a key modifier. These keys are still listed below in case some keyboard out there can do keys like !, @, and # without holding down shift.BACKSPACE = 8TAB = 9CLEAR = 12RETURN = 13PAUSE = 19ESCAPE = 27SPACE = 32EXCLAIM = 33QUOTEDBL = 34HASH = 35DOLLAR = 36AMPERSAND = 38QUOTE = 39LEFTPAREN = 40RIGHTPAREN = 41ASTERISK = 42PLUS = 43COMMA = 44MINUS = 45PERIOD = 46SLASH = 470 = 481 = 492 = 503 = 514 = 525 = 536 = 547 = 558 = 569 = 57COLON = 58SEMICOLON = 59LESS = 60EQUALS = 61GREATER = 62QUESTION = 63AT = 64LEFTBRACKET = 91BACKSLASH = 92RIGHTBRACKET = 93CARET = 94UNDERSCORE = 95BACKQUOTE = 96a = 97b = 98c = 99d = 100e = 101f = 102g = 103h = 104i = 105j = 106k = 107l = 108m = 109n = 110o = 111p = 112q = 113r = 114s = 115t = 116u = 117v = 118w = 119x = 120y = 121z = 122DELETE = 127KP0 = 256KP1 = 257KP2 = 258KP3 = 259KP4 = 260KP5 = 261KP6 = 262KP7 = 263KP8 = 264KP9 = 265KP_PERIOD = 266KP_DIVIDE = 267KP_MULTIPLY = 268KP_MINUS = 269KP_PLUS = 270KP_ENTER = 271KP_EQUALS = 272UP = 273DOWN = 274RIGHT = 275LEFT = 276INSERT = 277HOME = 278END = 279PAGEUP = 280PAGEDOWN = 281F1 = 282F2 = 283F3 = 284F4 = 285F5 = 286F6 = 287F7 = 288F8 = 289F9 = 290F10 = 291F11 = 292F12 = 293F13 = 294F14 = 295F15 = 296NUMLOCK = 300CAPSLOCK = 301SCROLLOCK = 302RSHIFT = 303LSHIFT = 304RCTRL = 305LCTRL = 306RALT = 307LALT = 308RMETA = 309LMETA = 310LSUPER = 311 /* Left "Windows" key */RSUPER = 312 /* Right "Windows" key */MODE = 313 /* "Alt Gr" key */COMPOSE = 314 /* Multi-key compose key *//* Miscellaneous function keys */HELP = 315PRINT = 316SYSREQ = 317BREAK = 318MENU = 319POWER = 320 /* Power Macintosh power key */EURO = 321 /* Some european keyboards */
Metalzoic Posted November 9, 2015 Posted November 9, 2015 That's good info if the other Singe Action Max & Wow games need it. So far every Daphne game I've needed to remap has simply worked with my AHK/Keymapper method above though, even Hayate & Time Gal which are Singe games.
wesfranks Posted November 10, 2015 Posted November 10, 2015 That's good info if the other Singe Action Max & Wow games need it. So far every Daphne game I've needed to remap has simply worked with my AHK/Keymapper method above though, even Hayate & Time Gal which are Singe games. Since your setup worked with ahk remapper, looks like his should also. Is it a separate step to enable keymappers for Daphne Singe on a system level?
Metalzoic Posted November 10, 2015 Posted November 10, 2015 Same as any other system System>Keymapper>Autohotkey Then the steps I showed above. Doesn't work with all games though, and it's possible you may need to install the full AHK program. Not sure on that though. I just tested it with Cliffhanger. Remapped the P1 (1) and P2 (2) buttons to be X and S on my control panel for hands & feet.
C_Wilson009 Posted November 10, 2015 Author Posted November 10, 2015 im not sure if it matters but cliffhanger is daphne. I'm trying to get controls going for daphne singe, which is i think american laser games
Metalzoic Posted November 11, 2015 Posted November 11, 2015 im not sure if it matters but cliffhanger is daphne. I'm trying to get controls going for daphne singe, which is i think american laser games Yeah like I said the only Singe games I run are Ninja Hayate and Time Gal and it works fine for both of those. I deleted all my other Singe games so I can't test them for you. Some games simply block AHK remapping though (mostly PC games)
wesfranks Posted November 11, 2015 Posted November 11, 2015 OK, I know my post above was long but did you try that as a solution? Metalzoic's method using AHK seems much easier and works for him, so I think you are missing a step. However, the dainput.ini method from my earlier post works also and took about two minutes including testing. I just did it. And immediately reversed it to Daphne Singe defaults just by deleting the dainput.ini I had copied there from my Daphne folder. This will be easier if you are already running Daphne (i.e.-Cliffhanger, Dragon's Lair, etc.) Just copy the dainput.ini file over to your Daphne Singe folder. Then open it in a text editor and change the keysym1 number to the key code as listed in the SDL library keylist in my post above. For example: An example of a dapinput.ini file is:[KEYBOARD]KEY_UP = 273 114 0KEY_DOWN = 274 102 0KEY_LEFT = 276 100 0KEY_RIGHT = 275 103 0KEY_BUTTON1 = 306 97 0KEY_BUTTON2 = 308 115 0KEY_BUTTON3 = 32 113 0KEY_START1 = 49 0 0KEY_START2 = 50 0 0KEY_COIN1 = 53 0 0KEY_COIN2 = 54 0 0KEY_SKILL1 = 304 119 0KEY_SKILL2 = 122 105 0KEY_SKILL3 = 120 107 0KEY_SERVICE = 57 0 0KEY_TEST = 283 0 0KEY_RESET = 284 0 0KEY_SCREENSHOT = 293 0 0KEY_QUIT = 27 0 0END If you wanted to change "coin1" to "h", you would change only the number "53" (in bold) to "104", then save the text file and test. Do not use this dainput.ini- it is only an example. Your dainput.ini has to be generated by and is unique to your computer. If you are not running Daphne, you will have to generate a dainput.ini file, as follows: -download the Daphne emulator zip file from http://www.daphne-emu.com/site3/index_hi.php and unzip it to a folder preferably not your HyperSpin folder (don't want to mess anything up). -open the DaphneLoader.exe and click "Configure" (button). -move to "Input" (tab) -check the box at bottom "Use these input settings for all games" and click "OK" (button). You should now have a "dainput.ini" file in the Daphne folder. Copy this file to your Daphne Singe install folder and edit the dainput.ini file as stated above. Test this solution and post back here if it works.
C_Wilson009 Posted November 11, 2015 Author Posted November 11, 2015 OK, I know my post above was long but did you try that as a solution? Metalzoic's method using AHK seems much easier and works for him, so I think you are missing a step. However, the dainput.ini method from my earlier post works also and took about two minutes including testing. I just did it. And immediately reversed it to Daphne Singe defaults just by deleting the dainput.ini I had copied there from my Daphne folder. This will be easier if you are already running Daphne (i.e.-Cliffhanger, Dragon's Lair, etc.) Just copy the dainput.ini file over to your Daphne Singe folder. Then open it in a text editor and change the keysym1 number to the key code as listed in the SDL library keylist in my post above. For example: If you wanted to change "coin1" to "h", you would change only the number "53" (in bold) to "104", then save the text file and test. Do not use this dainput.ini- it is only an example. Your dainput.ini has to be generated by and is unique to your computer. If you are not running Daphne, you will have to generate a dainput.ini file, as follows: -download the Daphne emulator zip file from http://www.daphne-emu.com/site3/index_hi.php and unzip it to a folder preferably not your HyperSpin folder (don't want to mess anything up). -open the DaphneLoader.exe and click "Configure" (button). -move to "Input" (tab) -check the box at bottom "Use these input settings for all games" and click "OK" (button). You should now have a "dainput.ini" file in the Daphne folder. Copy this file to your Daphne Singe install folder and edit the dainput.ini file as stated above. Test this solution and post back here if it works. This seems to work! sorry it took so long for me to respond, I was hesitant to try this because of all the troubles I've had with daphne and daphne singe. I didn't want to break what I had working lol... Thanks wesfranks and Metalzoic for all your help!
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