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Where does the "Fade-info" Info come from?


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I have been messing with and trying to learn fades, and on Nintendo, the game name and year and all that pops up and displays but on Super Nintendo the info bar is blank.


I am just using global settings so both should work so I can only assume whatever XML files hold that data must be blank. I found the data folder in RocketLauncher and I see ini files there full of info for both NES and SNES so that can't be where it pulls from..


At my wits end here, is probably something obvious?



Well, it turns out none of them work. They work launching games from RLUI but not from Hyperspin...I see the fade screens just no information when in HS....wtheck?

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Fade screens are an RL thing not a HyperSpin thing. All that fade info is set in RocketLauncherUI>Global (or system) Settings>the 3 different Fade settings tabs.

Just re-read your post and it seems you already know that. If they're not working in HS have you checked your settings in HyperHQ? Maybe the issue is there. Just a guess.


I finally figured out my issue I had not set HyperSpin as the Plugin  >,<

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Aeon Nox 13 by @dark13
Aeon MQ6 by @NewYears1978 >> Click here to see Current Progress
If you're new and going for your first install, I HIGHLY recommend Simply Austin's Tutorials.


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