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Bulk chd dump into mame rom folder?


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So I've finished gathering my files to upgrade from 0.149 to current and as stupid as I am, before I move my chd files over I have I question.

I think before I just took the whole guts of the folder (d/l'd from PDome) and dropped all of them into my main Mame rom folder. Is that correct or does a guy have to do each of these manually so each chd actually goes Inside the proper games folder?

Stupid question but it's been a long ass time



i keep mine separate from HyperSpin in a roms/(systemname) folder for example "Roms/Atari 2600". For MAME I also keep my roms download in "Roms/MAME/roms" folder and chd download in "Roms/MAME/chds" folder separate so I can update later by downloading the torrent on top of the old folder. It recognizes the proper old files and only download/updates the new files that were updated.

Note that I am running the HyperSpin/RocketLauncher combo with the ability to name multiple rom paths for a single system. Those running the HyperSpin/HyperLaunch combo will not be able to do this.


Your CHD's should be in separate folders inside your Rom folder and it should match the corresponding rom. So you would have a folder called "superfunhappygame" with your CHD files and you would have a zip file called superfunhappygame.zip. I hope that makes sense :)

Check out my MAME Arcade classics themes


Yup makes sense.

Before I had my mame roms in a folder and just dragged the PDome chd's right into the mame rom folder.. Worked fine.

Sounds like I gotta make a lot of folders. No worries now is te time to clean things up I guess


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