Krakerman Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 The ability to launch an application (with or without command lines) before and after launching added to the HyperlaunchHQ for each emulator.
djvj Posted July 7, 2013 Posted July 7, 2013 "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."RocketLauncher's Official Home If you appreciate my work:My Apps:Window LoggerIdle Volume AdjusterExplorerRestorerRom Folder CleanerModule UpdaterMy Guides:How To Mod Guncons with Aimtrak
loppydog Posted July 7, 2013 Posted July 7, 2013 I really do not see how it could be any your code inside the User Functions.ahk where specified in the above link. Done!
Krakerman Posted July 7, 2013 Author Posted July 7, 2013 Sorry I am coming from GameEx which is a totally more simplistic way of setting and running your emulators so this is all new too me. Ok well for example if I want to launch the following before Hyperspin runs my MAME games: Launch Before: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe" -wallpaperloadprofile ""[ROM]" Launch After you hit ESC to exit back to Hyperspin: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe" -wallpaperloadprofile "Default Profile" Ok [ROM] is the name of the Hyperspin game that I selected to run. Maybe someone can explain this to me and maybe I might see what you are trying to say. You have to understand when you have been so used to GameEx and try to move up to Hyperspin it's a learning process but it helps if someone can show you a few things to get you started. Thanks
brolly Posted July 7, 2013 Posted July 7, 2013 I can see that being easier for users that have no clue (or show interest on learning) on how to code ahk that's true, and I see some point on getting something like that added to HL, but ultimately it will be djvj's choice. Right now your only option is to do just like djvj suggested, this option will allow you much more flexibility on what you can do. You can check here how it can be done:
djvj Posted July 8, 2013 Posted July 8, 2013 My choice on what? I don't even know what he is talking about except that he wants to launch an exe. HL is a scripting language, so when you want to know how to add your own code, you have to learn how to use it. How could scripting be easier? You're lucky I'm not asking you to write C# like a plugin system... "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."RocketLauncher's Official Home If you appreciate my work:My Apps:Window LoggerIdle Volume AdjusterExplorerRestorerRom Folder CleanerModule UpdaterMy Guides:How To Mod Guncons with Aimtrak
Krakerman Posted July 8, 2013 Author Posted July 8, 2013 Trust me I want to learn. I am an experienced/published GameEx theme designer and have been messing about with Hyperspin recently since you guys came out with HyperLaunchHQ and having a blast with it and I thank you. It's a whole lot easier now to setup I think than in the past and has a ton of very kool features that I'm looking for so I want to convert over to Hyperpin and start designing themes since I've managed to create a few working themes already that I've learned how to do from watching youtube tutorial. I must say I like it alot just a few things I thought might be possible thru some simple steps but I guess my ? was a bit vague on why I wanted to figure out how to run a external program before and after I launch a game from within Hyperspin. The reason I wanted to know how to launch Display Fusion (external program) was that when the game runs I can change the wallpaper on 3 monitors to be any type of game info on them that I wanted to so esentially I could have one monitor have a marquee another have Joystick info and another have box shot with info then when I close the emulator to return back to Hyperspin I have Display Fusion return back all my wallpapers back to there defaults. So essentially it's like having multiple monitor support with 1 simple command sent to Display Fusion. That is why I asked how to do it but I really want to learn how to script and do this but a little help from those with hands on experience always helps to others to be creative and design new things for Hyperspin. Sorry if I offended anyone. I thought that is what the forums are for to help each other out ...... Thanks Brolly for understanding where I was coming from. I know the learning curve is different from GameEx to Hyperspin as they are 2 much different frontends but how is one to learn a few things if he doesn't ask. Thanks for not making me learn C# btw:D Will start to look at AHK and learn how to write scripts...
loppydog Posted July 8, 2013 Posted July 8, 2013 It sounds like you are trying to do something similar to what i am doing. You should check out the link Brolly suggested to give you an idea of what things should look like. Honestly, I believe you should check out AutoHotKey and learn the basics on how to program with it. It is a super powerful tool, not just for Hyperspin, but for other PC applications as well. Then you should write yourself a simple script that launches your EXE the way you want it to. Make sure your script works just like you want it (OUTSIDE OF HYPERSPIN), then you can inject it into the User Functions.ahk. At that point you can take a look at my example to see how you can utilize the variables such as systemName and dbName. I don't think anyone was offended, it's just that there is a certain expectation here that people are willing to put forth a little effort to learn and contribute. It's sounds like you are willing to do that so I expect you will find people willing to help you.
Krakerman Posted July 8, 2013 Author Posted July 8, 2013 Thanks loopydog will check into it and hopefully I can pick it up quick and can release some cool things for the Hyperspin community. I've got a few things in the pipeline to carry over from my GameEx experience. Will start reading and messing about with it tomorrow after work and see what I can come up with.
brolly Posted July 8, 2013 Posted July 8, 2013 Learning C# or learning AHK it's all the same, and the plugin system is as easy as it can get I assume you didn't even look at it Besides, my plugin system isn't intended for users to mess around with if they don't know what they are doing. Anyway, djvj basically he wants to be able to define a pre-launch and post-launch application like we have in the PCLauncher module, but on a system level. It kinda makes sense as it would be idiot proof and easier than editing the UserFunctions.ahk which could be used for more complex stuff only. Seems gameEx allows you to do this.
Kodiak Posted July 8, 2013 Posted July 8, 2013 Learning C# or learning AHK it's all the same Hehe I disagree I think learning C# is far easier. Lots of good books, video tutorials both free and commercial, far more code samples. Far as GX...if I recalled it allowed several pre & post Emu lunch entries...course it's been a while...mostly it was for command line entries, with macro/alias substitution ([ROM] [ROMNAME] [ROMEXT] ...). However I don't recall it having any condition management (WaitUntilExist, WaitUntilClosed, Sleep, ...) granted that could all be done to some degree with other command line tools, just need to add another entry. Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.
brolly Posted July 8, 2013 Posted July 8, 2013 Nah learning C# isn't hard like any other language, there's no easier or harder you just have to commit to learn it. There are plenty of code samples for ahk either, I never had difficulty on finding anything when I got stuck. But if you're learning C# you must take your time to fully understand the whole concept of a OO language if you are new to it, otherwise your code won't even serve as dog food in more complex projects. I can assure you I've seen things over the years that no one should ever see
Kodiak Posted July 8, 2013 Posted July 8, 2013 Lmao Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.
Krakerman Posted July 8, 2013 Author Posted July 8, 2013 Anyway, djvj basically he wants to be able to define a pre-launch and post-launch application like we have in the PCLauncher module, but on a system level. It kinda makes sense as it would be idiot proof and easier than editing the UserFunctions.ahk which could be used for more complex stuff only. Seems gameEx allows you to do this. Yes that is exactly what I was trying to get at. Would be so so so much easier. All you would have to do is fill in the blank on what you want to execute with any parameters that it might need. Just like with GameEx for example can call up the [ROMPath]\[RomFile] or [ROM] to get the name of the game or even the path to it so you could use that in the command line. Just asking is all I am doing to see if it is at all possible or if it makes any sense to have such a feature added to HyperlaunchHQ. This could even be expanded if you assign a game to another emulator each of those could have an option to do the same thing. Basically adding so much functionality by having the ability to add in 3rd party apps that can be launched before the game. Anyways I hope your open to that idea and can see the possibilities with having something like that. Thanks guys!
Krakerman Posted July 9, 2013 Author Posted July 9, 2013 Just wanted say having been using GameEx for years and with the release of HyperLaunchHQ you guys pulled me away to give Hyperspin a go and man I'm aboard full on as I got my systems up and running in no time. I always wanted to setup Hyperspin but got a bit frustrated but now man it's a snap and the theme maker is easy as well. I still have some systems to do that don't have any modules for yet as thats one of my motivations to learn how to make these modules so I can do the systems that most people don't even use or heard of. But this feature to HyperLaunch HQ would be mega awesome. Thanks for all the hard work you guys do as I appreciate it alot as I'm sure many other do too. Looking forward to trying out some scripts soon as well as working on making some themes which is my main skill.
loppydog Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 I can see the benefit of having a Graphical Interface to setup your third party app, but I can also see that being very limited as well...launching the actual app is just one of a million things a person could do post or pre emulator with AHK. I do see the advantage of having a global user functions and also separate emu and rom user functions as well.
whynotpizza Posted February 10, 2017 Posted February 10, 2017 Anyone have the code for this? The link above is no longer available (running hyperspin rocket launcher and mame on windows 7)
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