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New Cabinet build questions


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Hi guys,


I just started dipping into this great hobby a little over a week.  I really like Hyperspin and rocketlauncher a lot and have been doing a lot with the software setup side of things.  I work with computers and have done quite a bit of work in my basement with building a theater and bar area (bar is not started yet).  I am now lurking around for a nice build/design.  I guess I'm just wondering how to get started with this build.  I have a X Arcade tankstick with trackball controller board already so I don't plan to build my own board.  I know that may be frowned upon but I already have it so I want to use it.  I want the light up marquee Plexiglas bezel.  I was planning on going with a 27" lcd tv as the monitor.  Need a fold down keyboard tray.  Plan to put in a couple built in usb ports for usb nes controllers for console games maybe some light guns etc.  I'll probably have a front access panel either just a door or maybe use a fake coin slot door for a more authentic look.  Again does anyone know of any good easy to follow intructions on getting this project going.  I'm also wondering about what kind of ball park figure I may be looking at in way of cost for this project.  The wife will want to know ;).  I'm dying to get this started but I'm a little fuzzy on beginning it.  Also I was thinking going with press board and then laminating it black instead of painting it.  Is that doable?


Thanks in advance for any advice you may have!


Sounds like you might want to start at http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/

I imagine every question you can ask has been answered there.

Cost can vary so much it's hard to say. Some people have built entire cabs for less than what the monitor in mine cost and you can hit 1k building a control panel if you fill it with awesome stuff. Some people get pro-printed sideart and some people use posters they've found. Some people put together awesome auto-rotating monitors... The range and difference of quality between builds can be huge.


Thanks for the link!  Lots of great info there.  I started to draw up a design based off many I've seen here and online.  I'll post up something when I have something good.  I still have to nail down the dimensions and such but I have a pretty good grasp on how I want it to function and such.  right now for my controller I am going to use my tank stick.  However in the future I may and probably will want to build my own board.  So in my design I plan to build the contrl board shell basically and cut the top to fit the tank stick so it can set into the top.  That way in the future if i want to build the controller from scratch I can just remove the top and build one to my specifications and to fit the basic controller case.  Unfortunately at the moment money is tight so It may be a while until it's all done. Hoping this summer to at least begin with the basic cab contruction.  I figure I should be able to do that for not a ton of money as It will be mostly the cost of the wood.  Tools I should have covered.


Until then I may just make some sort of make shift cabinet.  Just need to find a decent looking piece of furniture that would suite my needs. 


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