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Anyone any ideas what's happening here? I installed an iPac controller, in a cabinet PS2 version, when I came to boot up, only the P1 joystick UP/DN actually worked, all I could do was to spin the Hyperspin menu up and down, but the other switches etc, don't work.

The cabinet is set up for 2 players, with 6 buttons each, there are also a few more buttons, 2 either side (pinball) and 4 along the front fascia above the control panel and 2 more on the front panel itself. I changed 5 of the original buttons for illuminated one's and I used another surplus button to control the PC booting on and off.

I have checked and double checked with a multimeter every switch, joysticks and every GND connection for continuity, all check out as they should. In notepad, all the P2 buttons register a symbol, but not the P1 buttons, similarly, the P2 joystick registers in notepad but not P1.

All the illuminated buttons are powered from a spare molex, they're OK insofar as the illumination is concerned and the start up button wired to the PC, works fine too. So although all the wires are correctly connected to their respective positions on the controller, just about nothing works - what am I missing?


Did you edit any of the actual controls on the Ipac itself with the program from Ultimarc? Or is the Ipac used? The button configuration may be using different "key strokes" then the default ones.

If that's not the case, then you should be able to edit the controls in HyperHQ to match the buttons you want to use to navigate the wheel.


No, I didn't edit anything, I just connected all the wiring, and as the ipac has defaults, I left it there. I know what you mean about setting up in HyperHQ, but the defaults are mame compatible, so as it's set up precisely as the controller should be, I can't figure out why it wouldn't work. I bought the Ipac brand new, so I can't see why anything should differ from the default settings. I did add some more wiring, including new GND to the new buttons, and a couple of places I altered bits, but really only put back what was already there, and as I say, everything responds correctly when I test with the MM. The other odd thing is why no response to key depressions when using notepad?


Well, as I understand it, the Ipac controller defaults to settings compatible with those set in mame, so literally, all I did was to wire each terminal to the corresponding point on the Ipac. But as you say, it may well be a programming issue, I'll give your suggestion a go rdhanded2, thanks.

So you have your mame/etc controls set exactly like the ipac controls are out of the box, correct? If so I would still load the program, set up a panel, and program it. Might be blank by accident for some reason. Make sure it says it connected to the ipac and wrote it successfully.

I did as you suggested, but no luck, after designing a panel to replicate my own, the response was that the software couldn't open the drivers. So, looking further on Ultimarc's website, it looks like the problem occurs because when using a PS2 version of the controller, you need to go into the PC's bios and ensure that the 'USB keyboard support, or Legacy USB support' is disabled, otherwise it will not programme. Also, I now realize that using notepad isn't a reliable source to determine key depressions because certain keys mapped on the 1P side don't show up, those such as Alt & Ctrl, although those on the P2 side do show up. To remedy this Ultimarc recommends using the Passmark keyboard test, so I have downloaded this too, I'll put it together later as see if that helps.


I downloaded the Passmark software, because this is Ultimarc's recommended software to determine the keystrokes on the cabinet, I ran the software and sure enough, it gave a response to all depressions from the panel on the cabinet.

However, when I relay those over to the panel designer, it seemingly accepts all the inputs, asking me to press enter after each input, but that's it. When I try to programme the panel, it again says 'Can't open the driver'. Maybe this is related to the issues in the PC's bios in disabling the USB keyboard support, I scanned the bios and the nearest I could see was 'onchip usb controller' and 'onchip usb kbc controller' whether enabled or disabled, it made no difference, it still wouldn't allow me to programme the panel I had designed. The only other reference to the panel not being programmable, is to stuck keys, I take that to mean the the wires are not connected properly at the micro switches, ie, to the top connectors, but that doesn't apply either.

So I have sent off a note to Andy asking if he can help.

Have you tried another usb port? On my laptop it is finicky and some will not load the driver either.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2

Sorry rdhanded2, I'm not sure what you mean when you say try another USB port, the controller is a PS2 version, or have I misunderstood you?

I got a reply from Ultimarc, pretty much saying that as all the key depressions were recorded in the Passmark keyboard test, it rather looks like it's a software issue and that from what I told him, it seems all the wiring and the controller are performing as they should, he suggests the problem lies in the settings within Hyperspin, OK but I have asked him to explain why I can't programme the controller because I keep getting the response 'Can't open the driver' when I use the WinIpac software.

I understand that I need to keep in mind I'm dealing with a keyboard essentially, at the end of the day. But when you look at the controls settings in Hyper HQ, whether keyboard or joystick, it's difficult to equate the 16 potential connections on the Ipac player 1 side of the board for example, with the number of places in the set up in HyperHQ, there just isn't room to set RLUD, 6 switch settings, P1start, P1coin and P1AB in the space allowed for in the set up? But someone must have their cabinet set up and satisfactorily running Hyperspin.


Oh im sorry. I thought you had the usb version. Mine does the same as yours, where it will not work and load or program on some usb ports. I thought it had to be usb 2.0 but I get the error on 1 2.0 port I have as well.

I am not sure the issue then, I am sorry. Hopefully someone can chime in here and help. One question though, he said he thinks it's hyperspin. I can't see how that is the case. Have you launched mame and tried the buttons outside of hs? How would hs effect yiu loading the driver and programming the board?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2

That is the reason I'll be using USB iPac. So much easier not dealing with legacy drivers.

Well, as I said above, the issues relating to my inability to programme my finished panel were my own fault, Andy from Ultimarc pointed out the programming issues may just be related to permissions, and sure enough, as soon as I ran the software as admin, it then allowed me to programme my panel. I realize the problems I have are related to Hyperspin. The key depressions in the Passmark keyboard test all show up and are precisely the same as in the WinIpac software.

What I don't get is when you boot Hyperspin, there are the default settings, yes I know they can be changed, but immediately the FE boots up, the user then needs the controller to take over and the controller settings conflict with the HS settings, I can't align the two because there are insufficient spaces in the HS settings to equate to those on the controller. So how does everyone else running HS get over this, what are their settings in HyperHQ?


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