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Vivanonno in Hyperspin


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Brian it didn´t work vivanonno in hyperspin with is configuration:

[exe info]

path = C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Vivanonno\

rompath = C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Vivanonno\roms\

userompath = true

exe =vivanonno.exe

romextension = zip

parameters =

searchsubfolders = false

pcgame = false

winstate = HIDDEN

hyperlaunch = true



else if (systemName = "Vivanonno" && executable = "vivanonno.exe")



Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, CloseProcess

RunWait, %executable% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension%", %emuPath%, Hide UseErrorLevel


It miss give support in hyperlaunch to PC-FX and Vivanonno emulator because didn´t work .

Out hyperspin work perfect

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  • 1 year later...

sorry rise this old topic ...

I Have the loader and run fine by a batch file : ( work - runvivanonno.bat %romname%%romextension%

@echo off

::Autor: Cabecita

::Requisitos: Loader_VivaNonno.exe, VivaNonno.exe, Close_children.exe





:: En esta sentencia hago un GOTO porque el nombre de la rom incluye parentesis

IF /I "%1"=="rv2.zip" GOTO RV2

IF /I "%1"=="rrs1.zip" (

SET rom=Ridge Racer 2



IF /I "%1"=="rr1.zip" (

SET rom=Ridge Racer



IF /I "%1"=="rv1.zip" (

SET rom=Rave Racer





SET rom=Rave Racer (World-B)



Loader_VivaNonno.exe "%rom%"

set rom=



ECHO ERROR. Se necesita un par*metro o el par*metro introducido no es correcto.

ECHO Este script esta dise¤ado para ser lanzado desde un front-end.

ECHO El script debe estar en la misma carpeta en la que est* instalado vivanonno

ECHO y llamar a este archivo desde el front-end.


ECHO Uso: runvivanonno "nombre_rom"


ECHO Nombre_Rom = rrs1.zip

ECHO rr1.zip

ECHO rv1.zip

ECHO rv2.zip


ECHO Ejemplo de configuraci¢n en MaLa:

ECHO ---------------------------------

ECHO Opciones - Configuraci¢n para otros emuladores - B*sicas - Nombre - VivaNonno

ECHO Opciones - Configuraci¢n para otros emuladores - B*sicas - Ejecutable

ECHO - runvivanonno.bat

ECHO Opciones - Configuraci¢n para otros emuladores - B*sicas - Ruta Rom

ECHO - C:\VivaNonno\roms

ECHO Activar Buscar en Subcarpetas

ECHO Opciones - Configuraci¢n para otros emuladores - B*sicas - Extensiones ROMS

ECHO - ,zip

ECHO Opciones - Configuraci¢n para otros emuladores - Ejecuci¢n - L¡nea de comando

ECHO - %%rom%%.%%ext%%




Theres a way to run a batch file from hyperspin ( i cant make this work ) or put this bat in hyperlaunch mode ???

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  • 4 years later...

Hi guys,

I'll try to revive this tread because I'm starting to go insane with this and I really need help figuring this out.

I'm having some issues while starting Vivanonno in hyperlaunch. If I want to start let's say Ridge Racer 1 (rr1) It just hangs at the game selection screen and I get this :

There was an error while waiting for the window 'Select System ahk_class #32770'.

My question is: Are the roms supposed to be manually selected at this selection screen (with the mouse) or is it automated ?

Because all I see in the VN module is :

; Selecting the game we want to play

If romName = rr1 ; Ridge Racer (Japan-A)


Else If romName = rrs1 ; Ridge Racer 2 (Japan-A)


and so on ..

Also.. my roms are named appropriately they are in the correct folder and launch fine in vivanonno standalone..

Vivanonno version : v22.0.3

Module Version 2.0.1

Any help would be greatly appreciated !

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Yeah but for the 3D games, you need a lot of cpu power to have a good frame rate, which I don't .. They run at about 5/10 fps on my setup.

That's why I have to use Zinc and Vivanonno for everything 3D and it works flawlessly. I just have trouble getting hyperlaunch to work with my VN..

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