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Emulator Selection Transition?


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Hi All,


So I'm half way through building a G1 transformers themed cabinet, and while it's getting sprayed up I wanted some advice on how to made some Hyperspin customisations. I've been on the Hyperspin train for a few years now kinda messing around with themes/wheels/movies etc etc but would like a few tips on where/how to do some, transitions?


Basically my idea is using a video of the old transformers cartoon logo transition - which is when the cartoon story moves from focusing on autobots, to decepticons and it does the black screen with logo that comes out as autobots and then spins to decepticons and fades (or vice versa).


I wanted this in place or the fade? that exists currently when you choose an emulator to go into from the main hyperspin menu. So I browse all my emulators, choose mame, and as (or in stead of?) the screen fading out, it plays the transformers transition explained above, and then goes into my mame games.


Is there a place I need to start, is it just a .flv I can replace/ put somewhere?, or where's the part i need to edit to be able to mess around with this area of transitions (back and forth from emulators).


Thanks in advance - sorry if it's a bit newb.




Hi All,


So I'm half way through building a G1 transformers themed cabinet, and while it's getting sprayed up I wanted some advice on how to made some Hyperspin customisations. I've been on the Hyperspin train for a few years now kinda messing around with themes/wheels/movies etc etc but would like a few tips on where/how to do some, transitions?


Basically my idea is using a video of the old transformers cartoon logo transition - which is when the cartoon story moves from focusing on autobots, to decepticons and it does the black screen with logo that comes out as autobots and then spins to decepticons and fades (or vice versa).


I wanted this in place or the fade? that exists currently when you choose an emulator to go into from the main hyperspin menu. So I browse all my emulators, choose mame, and as (or in stead of?) the screen fading out, it plays the transformers transition explained above, and then goes into my mame games.


Is there a place I need to start, is it just a .flv I can replace/ put somewhere?, or where's the part i need to edit to be able to mess around with this area of transitions (back and forth from emulators).


Thanks in advance - sorry if it's a bit newb.


transitions are a bit of a mystery, they are poorly documented and nobody seems interested in them.

basically you want this transition ( we both know what you want, but for the sake of bridging the possible generation gap i'll post it here)

a transition is a a an flv clip with transparency which at one point of the animation it covers the entirety of the screen so the transition of the next theme
feels fluid. there is a trigger that tells hyperspin during this animation to load the next background of the theme it's transitioning into...

I can't seem to find my post that I once did where some bits of information was gathered.. but I can't find it .. and I can't remember the process.. 

so basically this post is useless, but sympathetic.

haha yep that's the one, didn't think the generation gap would apply seeing we're mostly emulating arcade? :P


and yep that's what i'm trying to do - definitely the 1 thing that seems trickier than the rest.... but also seems the best place to put this transition....


well hopefully you find the post or triggers someone elses memory...


the procedure was on the old forum..and it seems to have been lost.. I've PMd JayC,Rondar,Circo and BadboyBill to see if there is a still a backup of the old forum with that information.. or if they know the actionscript trigger


a cue point! those triggers are called cue points. 

blast my brain for keeping this from me... 

learn more about cue points here: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/mediaencoder/cs/using/WS2bacbdf8d487e582-30a3408e12f8ee21458-7fe6.html

But those cue points need a bit of code ...


sounds like a bigger job than i'd anticipated...


time to dust off the flash3 skills.... *cough*


sounds like a bigger job than i'd anticipated...


time to dust off the flash3 skills.... *cough*



I think I've found what we're looking for .. it's not a big a deal

i've used an FLV meta dump app, to read out the meta data of one of the FLV transition files .. have a look 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<associativeArray xmlns="http://schemas.flvmeta.org/AMF0/1.0/">
  <entry name="duration">
    <number value="2"/>
  <entry name="width">
    <number value="800"/>
  <entry name="height">
    <number value="600"/>
  <entry name="videodatarate">
    <number value="2343.75"/>
  <entry name="framerate">
    <number value="30"/>
  <entry name="videocodecid">
    <number value="5"/>
  <entry name="audiodatarate">
    <number value="128"/>
  <entry name="audiodelay">
    <number value="0.027"/>
  <entry name="audiocodecid">
    <number value="2"/>
  <entry name="cuePoints">
      <entry name="0">
          <entry name="name">
          <entry name="time">
            <number value="1.301"/>
          <entry name="type">
  <entry name="canSeekToEnd">
    <boolean value="true"/>

This is the thing 

  <entry name="cuePoints">
      <entry name="0">
          <entry name="name">
          <entry name="time">
            <number value="1.301"/>
          <entry name="type">


WHen you compile your FLV ...set a CUE point at the moment the Vido covers the entire screen.. the CUE point should named "name" and the value needs to be called Transition Hyperspin will then load the background of the next theme. 

Mind you this is all based of this meta data.. I haven't tested this yet..

I'll see if i can make a tutorial for this stuff.. 


Oh sweet - ill poke around with it later today. The tute would be great but in the meantime i'll have a go and lean on the mrs for assistance (coder)


Hey Klop, we are talking about the same area right? The part I'm looking for is when you actually select the emulator, not scroll through them - it's where once you select the emulator, list kinda slides away to the right and then goes black and loads the emulators games list. Not sure it's even a transition?


Hopefully we're on the same page - but yeah looking at it breifly last night, the only "transition" is a slight fade, but it looks lore like it stops and loads than transitions....


Obviously, reading completely through your post..

Lol quick reading occurred .. assumptions were made... lol

Sent from my SM-A700FD using Tapatalk


I didn't think he meant the Fade screen either since he was talking about video.


@Rogerx as far as I know you can only put still png images as the Fade background. At least I've never seen a video Fade screen in RL.

You can customize/animate the loading icons in the bottom right corner though.


EDIT: Just realized I mis-understood you twice. You're not talking about Fade, but about the switch between Main Menu and sub-menu? There isn't even a transition there to alter that I can tell, it just switches between the two.


haha yeah sorry for that confusion - I realised saying transition specifically puts it into an immediate box of possible areas, so partly my fault for the poor choice of wording!


Yep the menu > submenu switch. I thought something might be possible as it seemed like the menu animates by sliding off to the right - but yeah, closer inspection the other day I notice it stops and loads the submenu soon as that happens, so figured it might not be possible....


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