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Cocktail Cab Setup Question

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I have a four player cocktail arcade table.  I plan on using a pc with 2 xin mo usb encoders for LED control panels.  Heres the question (bearing in mind that this is my first cabinet, and the length of the wiring harnesses).  Should I make the left two control panels feed off the first xin mo usb encoder and the right two control panels feed off the second xin mo usb encoder OR should I put the two ends (vertical seats) on one xin mo usb encoder and the two middle seats (horizontal seats) on the second xin mo?  Sounds like a weird question, I know, but I didnt know if it would be easier to hook up one way or another, or if the wiring would be stretched too thin moving one way or another.


Thanks for you input!

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you should set  P1 and P2  (Middle seats)  (encoder 1)


left (vertical)  to P3   and right ( vertical)  to P4   (encoder 2)




in MAME,  you can remap all the cocktail compatible games to use the P3 and P4 joysticks.    The rest of your games(non vertical) and other emulators will use the default P1 and P2 horizontal joysticks.

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