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typex_config has stopped working


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I'm trying to setup Super SFIV Arcade edition, with the Taito Type X2, before eventually adding it to Hyperspin

Following Simply Austins youtube guide. whenever i try to run the typex_config.exe as administrator, it crashes immediately with "typex_config has stopped working"

I've tried the exact same thing on my laptop, and it works fine ...for some reason on my Arcade Cabinet PC ....it keeps throwing up this error....

any ideas what it may be?


Set as read-only? Needs to be run as admin on new machine? Is being scanned by AV so it doesn't load?

Just guesses. I always set everything up on the system its supposed to be on to avoid stuff like this (which seems to be very, very common)


It's puzzling, because i don't have any AV on my cabinet ..i just don't understand how it opens fine on my laptop, and my Arcade Windows is virtually no different ..and it crashes on opening

  On 7/15/2016 at 2:33 PM, mattirawks said:

It's puzzling, because i don't have any AV on my cabinet ..i just don't understand how it opens fine on my laptop, and my Arcade Windows is virtually no different ..and it crashes on opening



Do you have the same .net framework and C++ libraries installed?  Also, do other games work on your computer?

  On 7/15/2016 at 2:34 PM, tonesmalone said:

Do you have the same .net framework and C++ libraries installed?  Also, do other games work on your computer?


I will double check, and do you mean other Taito games? ...if so, i haven't tried anything else, just stuck on the Street Fighter

  On 7/15/2016 at 2:45 PM, mattirawks said:

I will double check, and do you mean other Taito games? ...if so, i haven't tried anything else, just stuck on the Street Fighter



Yeah TTX games - they can be very particular on hardware requirements.  I'd test another game, just to make sure that the ttx config and loader work ok - that will help you to narrow things down.


Also, the config tool just helps you get the keys setup, plus a couple of other things.  You should still be able to get the game to load with the loader, if it works on your system. 


I've checked and both my laptop and PC have the same C++ and .nets  . ...


I also cannot run the game, it just crashes instantly aswell.


I'm going to try another game

  On 7/15/2016 at 3:03 PM, agent47 said:

Does your PC have an AMD gpu? I'm pretty sure some TTX games won't run on AMD gpus or run poorly.


No it's the Nvidia GTX780


Its kind of funny you bring this up.....I spent all day yesterday getting the art and videos and themes for ttx......all the games were working fine, then windows did some updates and low and behold not a single friggin game will work, I tried removing the updates but there's one update for windows it won't allow me to remove.....so right now i'm backing up all my HS and roms and going to try upgrading to 10 to see if that solves it first, running windows 8.1 right now.....and if that doesn't work i'm going to reinstall windows 8.1....although your error with typex_config was happening at first to me as well but the game would load......how I solved the typex_config was installed c++ 2010 x86 redistributable from the windows site

I'm lovin my arcade

  On 7/15/2016 at 3:53 PM, Danwelsh said:

Its kind of funny you bring this up.....I spent all day yesterday getting the art and videos and themes for ttx......all the games were working fine, then windows did some updates and low and behold not a single friggin game will work, I tried removing the updates but there's one update for windows it won't allow me to remove.....so right now i'm backing up all my HS and roms and going to try upgrading to 10 to see if that solves it first, running windows 8.1 right now.....and if that doesn't work i'm going to reinstall windows 8.1

Hmmm... I haven't tried any TTX games since mine Win 10 updated yesterday. Guess I should see if mine still work too.


I've got somewhere....


I removed my Arcade sticks, which are actually hacked PS4 Hori fight commanders, and now the config.exe runs ....


any ideas why the USB gamepads would clash with the TTX? . .

  On 7/15/2016 at 3:58 PM, mattirawks said:

I've got somewhere....


I removed my Arcade sticks, which are actually hacked PS4 Hori fight commanders, and now the config.exe runs ....


any ideas why the USB gamepads would clash with the TTX? . .

Yes. I forgot that some joystick drivers cause TTX config to crash, just like AAE#2 does.

There have been a few help topics about it lately, totally slipped my mind. Sorry man, if I had remembered I could have saved you a bunch of trouble.

Also, just tested my TTX games, tried about 9 of them and they all work perfectly so the Win 10 update didn't break them.


Okay, good to know.....hopefully I don't have to do 2 windows installs today although it wouldn't be the first time haha.

I'm lovin my arcade


Just tested SSFIVAE 2012 and it's working still under Windows 10.


What are you actually clicking on to run the game? Hopefully a bat file and not an exe.


Sometimes these games just need to be reinstalled for them to work. I go back to some 6 months later and they not longer work, reinstalling them and moving over the required files fixes it.


Windows Defender could be removing certain files I know I've had it pop up.


And it could be the files you have are bad, hopefully you got them from a good source?  :wacko2:


  On 7/15/2016 at 4:22 PM, Metalzoic said:

Hyper Bacon?

When did we all become so Hyper?


Yeah wtf, I'm usually in a self induced coma.


  On 7/15/2016 at 4:26 PM, mattirawks said:

it's actually the IPAC2 that TTX doesn't like ...

is there a workaround for this?

Yes it's in one of those other TTX topics. You'd have to search for it. It's not a very good fix if I remember right though

Sent from my SM-G935V

  On 7/15/2016 at 4:31 PM, Metalzoic said:

Yes it's in one of those other TTX topics. You'd have to search for it. It's not a very good fix if I remember right though

Sent from my SM-G935V

ok thanks, i'll do some diggin' now i know the problem


Just unplugged my ipac and they work again.....thanks mattirawks, now to find that workaround

I'm lovin my arcade

  On 7/15/2016 at 4:57 PM, Danwelsh said:

Just unplugged my ipac and they work again.....thanks mattirawks, now to find that workaround


can you post here if you find the workaround please, ..i'm struggling to find anything on the subject


ok this comment is what sorted it for me ...


I then went into devices and printers and in the "Ultimarc IPAC 2" hardware properties i disabled one of the "USB Input Device". There are three of them listed but only one in particular will stop the crashing so you will have to do it trial and error. I had two of my buttons assigned to volume up and down but disabling this stops these working, all regular key inputs continue to work though. WinIpac software won't recognize the Ipac while this is disabled so program beforehand or just enable it whenever you need to make changes.


I still have the "no gamepad" firmware flashed so I'm not sure if this is dependent on that, i will do more testing to see if i can stop the crashing while retaining the special keys.


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