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Ms. Pacman Cocktail Groovy Arcade Non Destructive


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It will be a long time until I have room to have my full size arcade so I need to maximize the two games I have.

The Neo Geo Mame cab plays horizontal stuff very well and with the. Nanano 25" they all look amazing.

But tuning vertical 4 way stuff on it sux so I decided to non destructive convert my Ms. Pacman cocktail to a mame multicade using the amazing groovy arcade Linux system.

The hardware: who cares about exact specs anymore ..

Original Ms. pacman Midway cocktail cab

Atx-micro pcb with Low end Amd

On board Ati video

2 gb ram

32 gb USB stick

Ultimarc JPac

Jammaboards.com PAC to Jamma PCb

PC power supply

Twisted quarter had the multicade CP's and I used the start buttons.

New leaf buttons for 1 and 2

Tornado Terry's 4 way pacman cocktail joystick (micro switch, still looking for a leaf cocktail 4 way stick to use instead)


Lead Solder and Iron



Original Pcb and placed in storage


This is what the original PCB looked like on my stock G07

Capped it And replaced the fly back which made it brighter but still had black lines and blurry


Mounted the mobo and JPac and jamma boards PAC to Jamma in the cab


Hooked up an Lapai TAmp for sound

I don't have any overlays designed yet.




Screen was still blurry so swapped the tube and now it's perfect





So it plays 100+ vertical 4 way games and some that I resize the aspect ratio that play fine like Thief

Also time pilot is 8 way but its still fun

I mostly go for stuff that is cocktail enabled via dip switch


nice cab ! Wondering I am using a very similar audio amp in my current project and wondering do you have any sort of external volume control? If so how do you set it up?

nice cab ! Wondering I am using a very similar audio amp in my current project and wondering do you have any sort of external volume control? If so how do you set it up?

I ordered one of these for my cab. Includes a remote and inputs for iPhone. You could always hack an amp and get the volume knob run to a spinner on the cab - I'm just too lazy for all that heh...


nice cab ! Wondering I am using a very similar audio amp in my current project and wondering do you have any sort of external volume control? If so how do you set it up?

No I am going through the g

Games now and finding a good volume sweet spot

-7 in the Mame.ini is what usually go for

For adjustment on the fly ill pull up the slider in the menu for volume while in game TAB menu from Mame

Since this is Linux there is no CabVol program.. In windows I run this and use Enter up and down for volume then left for mute

Other idea would be to wire up a Pot to my amplified wire before it goes to the JPac

Then hide the pot somewhere,


Groovy arcade which is booting off the USB includes Groovy Mame which when paired with an ATI video card outputs 15khz 10 seconds or so after boot up.

The JPac splits the screen safely until then

nice cab ! Wondering I am using a very similar audio amp in my current project and wondering do you have any sort of external volume control? If so how do you set it up?

I am using a Lepai amp with a pair of two-way 4" kickers and it sounds awesome. I basically set the amp volume/bass/treble max volume and max windows volume to my liking. I have two buttons wired to to my I-PAC2, C and V. I then wrote a simple AutoHotKey script to send windows volume down when C is pressed, and volume up when V is pressed. Pressing them together will mute. I run the compiled script at Hyperspin launch. I am simply using windows volume control instead of manually turning the amp up/down.

Here is the script I use:


SendMode Input

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

C::Send {Volume_Down}

V::Send {Volume_Up}

C & V::Send {Volume_Mute}


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