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Genre Backgrounds oversized


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Hi! I have my system configured to 1080p resolution, and Genre backgrounds are 1080 too but when in genre mode, backgrounds are oversized and with bad quality.


In HyperHQ i selected everything (best quality) and in RL selected 1080p resolution.


Does someone know how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance!



You need to shrink them to 1024x768. Hyperspin will stretch them after but the quality will suffer a little bit.



Thank you for your prompt response!




I have a 40" TV and 1024x768 "isn't enough". Isn't there any other way to have Backgrounds with better resolution than that? 


Thank you for your prompt response!




I have a 40" TV and 1024x768 "isn't enough". Isn't there any other way to have Backgrounds with better resolution than that?

1024x768 is the highest that HyperSpin can natively display. If you run a 16:9 screen it will stretch that 1024x768 to become 1366x768.

For themes you can use Flash & Photoshop to create SWF files that contain 1080 images and Hyperspin will be tricked into displaying them though. So if you're willing to convert it all that might work. Not sure if it works for genre backgrounds but it probably does.


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