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does anyone have retroarch snes controler config file please


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for running on an arcade cab, so matching the mame default controls.  I must be stupid (no need to confirm that fact ;) ) but i was unable to set up the config file myself.  i tried using snes9x as it has a shiny gui to set controls, however mame uses keys like "Alt" which you cant assign in snes9x that i can tell.


whilst at it if you are sharing, a megadrive/genesis and turbogrfix would be appreciated as well.




You can use alt in snes9x. You just have to configure the config file manually.

I personally didn't like retroarch for snes. Too many of my roms would not work. I thought it was hyperspin/ rocketlauncher at first... was pulling my hair out only to figure out retroarch was just crashing with no errors. I was constantly trying to find new roms / sources that worked and finally gave up. All my roms work great in snes9x.


thanks for your reply. i will look again tonight.  so when setting up manually, can i just press the alt key or do i have to actually type "alt" in as it does not have a visable press - same with ctrl, space, shift i guess.




Just start a game and hit f1 then you can set the inputs for that system. Then save the config then open the config folder and rename your saved setting to the name of your system that rocketlauncher uses example snes would be (Super Nintendo Entertainment System).


Easier way is to just start retroarch with no core loaded and set your controls up then save retroarch will change the controls for you for each system.


I have mine set up for x-arcade tank stick here are the files if you or anyone else wants to check it out.





it is strange.... (thanks by the way i should have started with that)


both you and Simply Austin both say press F1 to bring up retroArch options but on my system that does not work - i cant remember off top of head what it does, save state possibly, but it is not bringing up the settings.


i will check your settings file,




thanks... yeah, i have no idea why mine doesnt... but it really doesnt! even after downloading the newest build (the one from simply austin was out of date).  i pressed every key on my keyboard and nothing got the settings up from within a game.


no bother, i have enough advice i think to have another go tonight.


thanks for all the advice guys.... my snes is now running with proper controls :)

I gave up on retroarch (for now) as i just could not get the controls sorted, however i am using what was my old fave anyway and it still works fine with hyperspin, snes 9x


now i just need to figure out having the 1080p scanlines which are in rocketlauncher but without bezels. right now i either have excellent scanlines with bezels that i do not want, or full screen with no scanlines but that is a topic for another thread




thanks for all the advice guys.... my snes is now running with proper controls :)

I gave up on retroarch (for now) as i just could not get the controls sorted, however i am using what was my old fave anyway and it still works fine with hyperspin, snes 9x


now i just need to figure out having the 1080p scanlines which are in rocketlauncher but without bezels. right now i either have excellent scanlines with bezels that i do not want, or full screen with no scanlines but that is a topic for another thread



Have you tried the Full Screen bezel option in RLUI?

It would be good for someone to make a detailed tutorial on changing keys in RA which can be added to the tutorials section.



aye if there was a guide for controls in retroarch, esp including setting to the default  mame keyboard controls for those with arcade PCs that would be cool, every guide i have seen sets it up to a pad - usually XB or PS.


regarding scanlines,


I *think* i tried all the combinations of bezel in the settings in RocketLauncherUI, the 2 things i have not done yet is 1) delete all bezels from the folder then it cant use one - tho it may have a built in one i cant get rid of OR

2) create my own bezel which is only a couple of pixels wise and possibly transparent, but i have simply not have the time yet.


I have posted the question on the RocketLauncher forum, and will post any info here incase it helps somone else in the future.


Try the settings below if they differ from your global settings. You should not need to remove the bezels in the folder, you will just need a bezel change key and then press it until the game goes full screen. I only tested it on RA though.





thanks for all the advice guys.... my snes is now running with proper controls :)

I gave up on retroarch (for now) as i just could not get the controls sorted, however i am using what was my old fave anyway and it still works fine with hyperspin, snes 9x


now i just need to figure out having the 1080p scanlines which are in rocketlauncher but without bezels. right now i either have excellent scanlines with bezels that i do not want, or full screen with no scanlines but that is a topic for another thread



Snes9x has excellent filters have you tried those? It's another reason I chose it over retroarch. It can do all of it without RLUI. I find them better and easier to use than retroarchs shaders. They also are more configurable.


Thanks for the info, i have not been back to the snes however this is exactly how i set Fusion up for the Megadrive (Genesis) using its own filter so i will pop back in and look at snes9x.


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