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Controller Companion WAY better than Xpadder


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Just a PSA.  I switched from Xpadder to Controller Companion for my arcade cabinet:



It's so much better.  The Xbox Home button is bindable and works, it supports secondary bindings using a modifier key, and there's no ridiculous auto-profile and focusing issues to deal with.


The only thing it can't do that xpadder does is support custom bindings for multiple controllers (multiple controllers work-just not with independent bindings).  But I have yet to think of a reason why I'd ever need this.


I like the virtual keyboard, would be nice for dos games.  But most everything else doesn't look that amazing.  I wish one program would put all the good stuff in it so we didn't have to have joy2key, xpadder, antimicro, pinnacle, and this just to try to get all the nice features from each one.  But for the record, the way joy2key works perfectly with Rocketlauncher makes it my go to keymapping program.  


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