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Device ids keep changing. Can anyone help? - resolved


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Resolved!  Not a fix, but as good as...  see below


I'm having an absolute nightmare here and I know this is an old issue of the device ids changing ever time windows is shut down but this is seriously driving me mad.  I wish I'd have known about this before I built my cab as I'd have never have bothered.... it's that annoying.  

So I've got 2 aimtrack lightguns, a spinner and a trackball.   Everything is plugged into the same USBs, I don't unplug anything after shutting down. I thought of putting the PC into hibernate rather than shutting down but doesn't seem to work. I've tried endless different versions of mame, and everything configures as it should (with raw input version of mame) but this problem is just not going away.  I downloaded arcade guns pro utility  http://www.arcadeguns.com/download/BlueEstateArcadeGunsLightGunConfiguration.pdf 

and according to their website it works with mameuifx.171 no nag raw input (available on their link)....  but I'm either doing something wrong or it just doesn't work.  

I was advised by Andy at arcade world U.K to change the cfg files to read only, but I'm even changing the wrong files or that doesn't work either  

Has as anyone managed to find a way to fix this?  

Im now living in hope there is a solution (sounds dramatic I know but I'm seriously p#ssed off with this)


thanks in advance guys  



Not at all. Here's the relevant part from my ctrlr file:


<!-- DolphinBarWiiMode and XBox360x4 by Tomkun v0.1 -->
		Logitech Keyboard	VID_046D&amp;PID_C52B&amp;MI_00
		Logitech Mouse		VID_046D&amp;PID_C52B&amp;MI_01
		Wiimote  Keyboard	VID_0079&amp;PID_1802&amp;MI_00
		Wiimote	 Mouse		VID_0079&amp;PID_1802&amp;MI_01
		Wiimote  Controller	Mayflash Wiimote PC Adapter (device id: Mayflash Wiimote PC Adapter)
		XBox One Controller XInput Player X (device id: XInput Player X) (Where X=Player)
		<mapdevice device="VID_046D&amp;PID_C52B&amp;MI_00" controller="KEYCODE_1" />
		<mapdevice device="VID_0079&amp;PID_1802&amp;MI_00" controller="KEYCODE_2" />
		<mapdevice device="VID_046D&amp;PID_C52B&amp;MI_01" controller="MOUSECODE_1" />
		<mapdevice device="VID_0079&amp;PID_1802&amp;MI_01" controller="GUNCODE_1" />
		<mapdevice device="XInput Player 1" controller="JOYCODE_1" />
		<mapdevice device="XInput Player 2" controller="JOYCODE_2" />

Hardest part is getting all the hardware IDs, but that's not difficult either. Start MAME with the command line:

mame64.exe -v

and it'll list all the devices found on the system.


Not had chance yet. I wanted to continue to use 155 as it just seems to work better with my PC as all the irem games ie Kung fu master work brilliant. 

On newer versions a lot of games don't run as good on my PC  

Will try it and let you know...   


Ok so thanks very much to scoodidabop for this.....   

there is a workaround for this and it's as good as a fix -

i didn't really want to update to 179 as the 155 version I'm using just seems to work best with my system as when I tried newer versions a lot of games that ran ok before,  were now stuttering etc  

im using a trackball, spinner and two aimtrack guns. I know there's loads of people having this problem and I wish I'd have done this ages ago as it would have saved me A LOT of time and stress!  Might have been discussed before somewhere but I never found it if it was...


So, in the ultimarc software for the aimtrack guns-

-leave gun1 as "mouse" input but change gun2 to "joystick" input


in mame.ini

-change "multimouse" to 0

-change "joystick dead zone" to 0.0

- change "joystick saturation" to 0.1


thats it! 

when you set the guns up in the TAB menu in mame, the guns now show up as - gun# and joy# 

Now there's no ID issues, no messing about setting the ids that Windows has changed. It just works!

Although i will point out that as "multimouse" was turned off for this to work, the spinner and trackball now BOTH appear in TAB menu as "mouse" and are now the same input.   Not mouse 1 mouse 2 etc....  but really this isn't a problem. Not to me anyway as these also kept changing device ids and was a real pain in the arse. 

This way works brilliantly. But make sure to do the changes to joystick controls as above or the movements of gun2 are awefull.  


Hope this helps someone else and thanks again to scoodidabop!    Top Man!! 

  • 2 weeks later...

Just to add-

This works with direct input versions of mame - NOT raw input.   


Raw input- you will still get gun 1 change its id.  With direct input it stays as gun1 as direct input versions don't allow multi mouse so it stays as gun1 and doesn't change. 


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