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Letters Not Syncing or Partially Syncing for most systems


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I noticed it only syncs letters for the games in the official xml. For example if I the xml had no games with an R I never got the R letter image. I have not tested this on a custom xml. This strange quirk makes me think all the letters are available on HyperBase and that HyperSync code is the perpetrator.

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Atari lynx for sure to get the troubleshooting started. Those letters are really cool and when I saw a default white one I was like what the heck. I would need to dump all my letters for all systems and resync if you really need a definitive list.

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Atari 2600 Numbers only

Atari 5200 Numbers only

Atari Lynx Numbers Only

Atari Jaguar Letters only.

Colecovision none - cowbells folder has some

Amiga Syncs fine.

Daphne Numbers Only

Fairchild Syncs Fine.

Intellivisions is fine

TurboGrafx 16 is fine.

N64 Is fine.

NES is fine

Gameboy Advanced none sync used set in cowbells ftp

Gameboy color none sync used set in cowbells ftp

Gamecube Numbers only

Sega 32x none sync used set in cowbells ftp

Sega CD Numbers only

Sega Dreamcast Syncs fine.

Sega Game Gear Syncs fine.

Sega Genesis SYncs fine.

Sega Master System Syncs fine

Sega Saturn Syncs fine

SG1000 syncs fine

Neogeo syncs numbers only

Sony PlayStation syncs numbers only

PlayStation 2 syncs nothing

SNES is fine.

hope that helps

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Well I did not realize most this stuff was on the website too. I updated more of them from the website which I am sure are supposed to sync.

Emerson Arcadia 2001 from Jumppacks on website

Panasonic 3DO from jumppacks on website

Magnavox Odysey 2 (uses same letters as astrocade) from jumppacks on website

SHarp X6800 from jump packs on website

GCE Vectrex from jum packs on website

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well i did not realize most this stuff was on the website too. I updated more of them from the website which i am sure are supposed to sync.

Emerson arcadia 2001 from jumppacks on website

panasonic 3do from jumppacks on website

magnavox odysey 2 (uses same letters as astrocade) from jumppacks on website

sharp x6800 from jump packs on website

gce vectrex from jum packs on website


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I would see if you can make sure the jumppacks on the website are all in your sync thing. These are systems I use and others will appreciate having letterz for other systems. Touhou capcom etc.

Everything we have in the letterjump section is linked into hypersync now. im sure there are other systems that arent there but i will update those as they are brought to my attention

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If anyone without hypersync needs the letters and has FTP. I took the time to put them all in my FTP folder. You can download them all in one swoop. Makes life easier if you do not have hypersync and want to make sure you have all the letters. Thanks for all your help baddeolv! For TurboCD I used the Same set as Turbografx-16. For SNK NEO GEO CD I used the same Set as SNK Neo Geo. Made sense to me anyway they are made by the same company and share a lot of the same artwork anyway.


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Not sure if this is the right Place to post this, but...

I did a sync for Atari 5200 and noticed that the wheel, cart, ad 3D box for Activision Decathlon didn't sync. I managed to get the Wheel, cart, and 2D box from the Gold Member folder on the FTP but there was no 3D boxes on there.

I probably should have started anew thread about this. Oh, well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not sure if this is the right Place to post this, but...

I did a sync for Atari 5200 and noticed that the wheel, cart, ad 3D box for Activision Decathlon didn't sync. I managed to get the Wheel, cart, and 2D box from the Gold Member folder on the FTP but there was no 3D boxes on there.

I probably should have started anew thread about this. Oh, well.


i just whipped the art up using the template for the ones we had on sync

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