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Keep getting error for missing Moduless AFTER Hypersync!


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I had everything working fine in rocket launcher and hypetspin.  I synced my media with hypersync and then started getting  this error for every rom I try to Launch in Hyperspin "Cannot find D:\hyperspinModules\Sega  32x\sega 32x .ahk.  You do not have the HyperLaunch 2 module for Sega 32x. Please create one of Check Hyperlist."  This error comes up for each system I try to play through Hyperspin after using Hypersync.  

So I did a re-install of RoacketLauncher and hyper spin....had everything working fine AGAIN.  Synced everything with Hypersync, and keep getting the same errors after using Hypersync again!

Can anyone help?  I'm about to give up on hypersync






Sounds like you possibly have Hypersync overwriting something. Are you sure you had it set to only download medisa files and no xmls etc...? I haven't run it since the very first time (you only really want to run it once so it doesn't overwrite any media/themes you manually add later)

Also if you had already run HyperSync and downloaded all the media the first time, why did you run it a second time after you set everything up again? Did you delete all the tons of media you had previously downloaded?


That all sounds very odd as Hypersync should only download media and not mess with ini files unless something in your set up is wrong.

It also sounds like you are using Hyperlaunch and not Rocketlauncher. Check the Hyperspin settings.ini found in the settings folder.



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