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Rebuilding Hyperspin sets with clrmamepro (matched files 0)


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Since most Hyperspin sets are not updated in PD since 2013-2014 and there are some important systems not uploaded (PSX), I am trying to rebuild my own sets from Hyperlist official XML and No-Intro/Redump/Trurip sets.


I am examining the XML structure and I see that it only identifies the rom by its name, not by CRC cheksum or similar. But oddly enough, I load the XML into latest clrmamepro, point to full PSX redump (USA) source folder, press rebuild and get a:


Source-Files:           1720

- now even counting files in archives -

Analyzed Files:         10984
Created Files:          0

Matched Files:          0
Skipped Files:          10984


And it does nothing. Comparing manually the XML and the roms source folder, they seem to match the names (for example "1Xtreme (USA).zip" and "1Xtreme (USA)" ).


What I am doing worng? Do I need to convert the XML to DAT so clrmamepro can read it correctly?


Thanks in advance.

Sony PlayStation.xml


I have only come across to this problem on the PSX set.


I have tried other sets (NES, SNES...) and they got rebuilt correctly.


So I guess there is something additionally that needs to be done before rebuilding/scanning for the clrmamepro to identify the roms (the dumps are *.bin and *.cue in *.zip)


disc based system XMLs do not have crc numbers

and you cannot use clrmamepro to rebuild Cue, bin files

because when you rename your bin file.

the contents of your CUE flies need to be updated.


Open a CUE file in NotePadd++,  and you will see a reference to  CurrentName.Bin file

if you do not updated this reference your CUE file will be worthless.


Depending on what emulator you are running you are better of replacing your PSX CUE/Bin files with CHD or the PSP ready format files

this files consist of a single file and you can rename them without breaking anything.

(the best part is that they offer a better compression ratio)

16 hours ago, 32assassin said:

disc based system XMLs do not have crc numbers

and you cannot use clrmamepro to rebuild Cue, bin files

because when you rename your bin file.

the contents of your CUE flies need to be updated.


Open a CUE file in NotePadd++,  and you will see a reference to  CurrentName.Bin file

if you do not updated this reference your CUE file will be worthless.


Depending on what emulator you are running you are better of replacing your PSX CUE/Bin files with CHD or the PSP ready format files

this files consist of a single file and you can rename them without breaking anything.

(the best part is that they offer a better compression ratio)

Thanks a lot for the detailed answer.


I will go for the CHD route.


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