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Looking for a good controller


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I am finishing up my hyperspin system and am Looking for a controller that will work with the most systems. I've tried the xbox360 controller and am not happy with the 4 button layout and terrible d-pad. I've found the controller that is what I'm looking for but it is not made anymore. I'm looking for something like the hori Xbox 360 Pad EX 2 with a 6 button layout and better dpad.

Can someone recommend something similar and of good quality.


I saw that hori that ridiculous price on amazon too. You would think a 6 button would be common. What I really wanted is my old saturn controller with two analogs and 2 triggers (too bad this doesn't exist).

I may just have to swap to a fight stick for the 6 and 4 button layouts. I was trying to have one controller to rule them all.


Did you want a game pad or arcade stick?

I was going to buy a Hori or Qanba from Play Asia but ended up making my own with a trackball and spinner.

Just them again and the price seems to have dropped alot.



I was really looking for a controller as it takes up less space, but I am temped to build my own and unleash an OCD project that will never end.

I really like the Vewlix style Real Arcade Pro fight stick. I was thinking of building my own based on this one, but I have not found plans for this particular fight stick.

If anyone has the cad files for it. I would be interested in them.


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