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Hacked Console Roms


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Is it possible to play hacked NES, SNES, Genesis, etc. roms in Hyperspin on the Shield TV?  I was hoping it was as easy as copying the hacked rom database info from a hacked rom.xml that I got on this site and just pasting it into the corresponding console's current database.xml, keeping it in alphabetical order.  Will this work?  Here is an example of what I would paste into the SNES current Hyperspin database.xml:


  <game name="Mario Kart R" index="" image="" enabled="1">
    <cloneof />
    <crc />
    <description>Mario Kart R</description>
    <genre />
    <manufacturer>Super Mario Kart (USA) - Super Nintendo Entertainment System</manufacturer>
    <rating />


It seems too easy as long as the naming matches up for the video, artwork, etc., it should incorporate right in...just wanted to get some input if any one has tried it this way and if it has worked before I put my time into it!!! :)  Thanks again!!!


Well...it worked...you just have to make sure you follow the way the games are listed in the databases...they look a little different than the text above...just replace the game name with the hacked rom name and match everything else up (wheel art, game videos, etc.) with the same name and it works flawlessly!!!  Here's a sample of my tiny NES database file with the hacked Super Contra II game in it...just have to make sure the games stay in alphabetical order...


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--Generated by Don's HyperSpin Tools version 4.2.6-->
    <listname>Nintendo Entertainment System</listname>
    <exporterversion>HyperList XML Exporter Version 1.3 Copywrite (c) 2009-2011 William Strong</exporterversion>
  <game name="Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Japan, USA)" index="" image="">
    <description>Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Japan, USA)</description>
    <cloneof />
    <rating>Other - NR (Not Rated)</rating>
  <game name="Super Contra II (USA)" index="" image="">
    <description>Super Contra II (USA)</description>
    <cloneof />
    <rating>Other - NR (Not Rated)</rating>




Yeah that's the only way as on android we can only launch 1 emulator per wheel unlike rocketlauncher and PC.

its still my No.1 feature request @reznnate:)


i was was looking for a way to incorporate Hacked games. Maybe I will add all the Hacks to my DB's at the start of the xml so they are kinda seperate


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