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Need your urgent support to fix CRC check error


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Hello All,

I need your urgent support on the below error while trying to start any game in the Hyperspin


I tried all my best to fix this issue but no luck.

appreciate your urgent support to fix this issue.


thanks in advance.



Have you tried removing the ahk file with the crc error and then running the update from within RLUI so it can acquire an unbroken version?


8 hours ago, hasalman said:

May i know how can i remove ahk file is it from the Rocketlauncher?


The path to the ahk is shown in the error message. Move the file out of the folder or rename it "_old" then run the update wizard from RLUi.



Hello gigapig,

thanks for your assistant and support. Yes i did the same i have removed the file but unfortunately same issue with different error.


When asking for help on the forum, it's best to give as much information as possible. Versions of programs used... what system you are having a problem with... the game you tried... the screenshot of 1st error is great, but what exactly was the different error?

Not too many systems make use of crc checks but if I had to guess I would say you are trying mame but have a "merged" romset???



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