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No games list/ Database XML Files


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Hey Guys,

I'm rather new to Hyperspin but I have been sucessful in adding systems and roms for the most part. I have run into a problem recently in regards to database xml files. So when I'm on the homescreen where the consoles are on the wheel, when I click a certain console it will not load. I click and it goes black for  quick second and returns to the homescreen. Thats in indication that the database is present but it will not load the game list for some reason. I have the database xml in the appropriate folder as well as the roms, media and emulators installed. Still no sucess in loading the Playstation or Dreamcast consoles. 

On another note there are instances where I'm able to click the colsole and it loads a few games on the list but not all. I have the roms installed in the appropriate folder but hyperspin is only displaying a few on the list. The database xml that is for the console has all the games listed but when I open the colsole in hypersin the list of games is limited to a few. 

If someone has had a similar issue or could give assistance it would greatly be appreciated. 


I would say it’s one of a few problems.

Very 1st check the .ini files for those problem systems.

make sure the roms_only filter is set to false for testing at least

you have the correct rompath and file extensions to match you roms.

next check your games actually have the same names as what’s in the database xml file <game name>

pick one system and go through those then give us a shout back.

a screenshot of the xml file, roms folder and ini file will help a lot.

you can also check the xml file for special characters if it’s cutting off at a specific point. Like you have every game up to letter C or something. The & character can cause issues


It's wise to ensure your games play through your emulator before even entertaining tinkering with Hyperspin.

The brief black screen is most likely because your ini file is incorrect for that system. Either the exe line or the parameters line... Possibly both. 

Thatman84 has given you solid advice. Baby steps is the key, one system at a time. Forum members, myself included often share snippets of our ini files to help people out. 

Have a read through the forum threads in the Android section. It'll help you by seeing what emulators we use for the systems. Quite often it will be RetroArch but on occasions it will be standalone emulators such as Dolphin or Drastic for example 

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