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Hyperspin 441GB download installation


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I downloaded this HS bundle pack from ArcadePunks.

**link deleted by admin**

but I have a problem. 

HS wouldn't launch when I run it. 

I followed the instructions that came with it (see inserted media), but it won't work.

Can anybody help me to install this software, would be nice to have my own arcade machine at home.

Hope there is a way to install this quick, cause I don't want to install everey emulator sepperatly.


Thx anyway 




Just a friendly warning, before an admin tells you: you can't post links to ROMs here.

About your attempt to 'install it quick,' even if you get it working, things can and will go wrong, and you'll have to troubleshoot, and you'll be completely lost, because you don't know how anything works. There's nothing quick and easy about this hobby, and I can't speak for everyone, but I'm fairly dismissive these days when I see people ask very basic questions, or it is obvious they aren't trying very hard. No disrespect intended.

My advice is to maybe try following a tutorial for your own very basic setup with one or two emulators, and learn how things work, then go back and try to see if you can get that particular setup going.


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