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Box Art


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My Hyperspin setup is not showing the boxart.  Just black.

The files are .png, and have the correct names.

I placed the files in the     C:\HyperSpin_1.5.1\Media\MAME\Images\Artwork1 folder, but have also tried the artwork2,3, and 4 folders.

What am I missing?


It depends on the theme you are using. If you have a default.zip you can look at the xml file in there to see what artwork is configured. 

Strictly speaking Mame is arcade cabinets so doesn't have box art. You might have flyers/posters etc though. Personally I have unique theme zips for each game. These don't use the artwork folders, they're animated and look great as they are. 

Although my SNES wheel has a default.zip. It shows the boxes and the cartridges lower down, slotting into the image of the console. 

"There is so much more and beckons me. To look through to these, infinite possibilities..."


I do have some box art for mame, and in the default.zip  I don't see anywhere that it points to what folder it should be in.
Maybe that's the problem?

23 hours ago, MrDu said:

I do have some box art for mame, and in the default.zip  I don't see anywhere that it points to what folder it should be in.
Maybe that's the problem?

That’s probably right. Extract the theme.xml from the default.zip.

it will have lines defining positions, timings and animations for artworks 1-4.

if the zip has artwork images (likely Artwork1) then that image will react to the xml settings. Not the artwork in the Artwork folders.

if the xml has no lines of code relating to Artwork 1-4 that are not images in the default.zip then box art is not setup.

compare different theme.xmls from other default.zipsfor other systems


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