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Create xml for arcade games


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Hello everyone :)

Sorry for my english because I use a translator.

Here is my problem, I'm using "Dons_Hyperspin_Tools_4.3.26" (Create New HyperList.exe),

But here's what I get, an example on an arcade game :

<game name="avsp" index="" image="">
 <---  I do not have the name of the game
    <cloneof />
    <manufacturer />
    <genre />
    <year />
    <rating />

Is there any other software for this?


I tried to use this page :


but when I click on "Create ROM List" I have this message : "Please login before attempting this"

yet I am well connected...


How to create my xml with game names?

Thank you for your help :)



Because they are fba roms that I sorted by system (cp1, cps2, cps3, cave, etc ...). I made custom folders. And I need to create an xml for each folder.


Grab the official xml, you can use it to populate your custom xml with the correct info through dons.

See the replies in this thread for more info.


Thank you very much, but I have this message when I click on "Filter Hyperlist.exe" (see image)

Even if I put it in my Hyperspin folder it does not work


Sans titre.jpg


Well is it in installed in your Hyperspin folder or subfolder?

Try and get it working it's the tool you need to use to make your custom xmls.


Yes, it is installed in my Hyperspin folder (or in a Hyperspin subfolder). But I still have the same error message?<font style=.">


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