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commodore 64 games on ccs64 - stuck at [L] [R} highscore crack screen


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I think it is having keyboard keys mapped for controlls. You cant yse them to type. Test direct input. I am a huge c64 fan and vice is a better emu imho.


Your best bet is a small wireless keyboard. Or have a keyboard hidden away for use with the system that needs it.



Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

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Right. Is the key the trainer is using mapped to a direction or button? That is probably why. C64 version of impossible mission is the best one! Another visitor...stay awhile.....stay forever!!!!!!

Right. Is the key the trainer is using mapped to a direction or button? That is probably why. C64 version of impossible mission is the best one! Another visitor...stay awhile.....stay forever!!!!!!

my bad

actually;........the second joystick was being mapped to these keys

changed that mapping inside ccs64

now works great




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