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Hi there,

I am planning on building my own arcade cabinet and using HyperSpin as the front end software. I have a question regarding this software.

I have collected all the games that I want for each system such as NES, SNES, MAME.

Does HyperSpin only load graphics, videos for the games/roms that I have or does it just have a default set of graphics/videos that it loads?

Thank you for your help.


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  • 2 weeks later...

But in case you do not watch his video; it can be set to either in HyperHQ.  There are settings for which games are shown based on roms, artwork, and a few other settings.  You will need to change these settings per system but it does not take long.


In addition to the above, you can easily edit the xml files to only display the games you want.  In order to do that navigate to the database folder and open the system you want to edit.  Remove all games that you do not want.  Make sure to remove the entire section for the games you are removing.  See below for a sample of the entire bit you will need to remove:



    <game name="asteroid" index="true" image="a">
        <rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>

Each game starts will game name and ends with game so make sure to remove that entire section.

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