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Rooms - First Steps


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Good evening,
First of all, I want to congratulate all team for your work.
I'm new here and i'm so confused with alot of information, after installing the hyperspin software i don't have any game, but appears on the menus.
I've 3 principal questions:
Where can I download a complete package?
Are there different versions of the same games? (ex: more quality ones, levels ...etc» or is it all the same?)
What is the platinum member, download with FTP server ? ( rooms, databases ?)
Thank you.
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Hello, and welcome to the forum.

I think most users regard this as a hobby. Its just not something you can throw together real quick... well I guess you can but it will only be as nice as the care/effort you put into it.

I am going to assume when you say "rooms", you mean "roms" (games). We dont take about where to get games here on the forum and there will NEVER be any on these forums or ftp server.

This site is only concerned with whatever media is displayed by Hyperspin (HS)... so the wheels, bezels, system and game themes.

Everything except the videos that play, they usually come from emumovies.com and you will want a platinum membership over there.

Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk

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