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Hyperspin and Taito Type X games issue to exit


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I am on the last version of Hyperspin and RocketLauncher and all my Taito Type X games are launched using Game Loader All RH.

I am encountering two issues:

When I launch a game the sound of Hyperspin is still running in the background.

Hyperspin is displaying the launching screen, and then as the game is slow to launch it display again the game detail and so when the game is finally launching hyperspin is not freezing itself.

When I want to exit a game it is not closing the game.

I've tried several combinations of exit method on game.exe or the Game Loader All RH exe but none of them seems to work correctly.


I am asking for your help, searching somebody that have the same combination of Hyperspin / RocketLauncher / Game Loader All RH for him to explain me what have been done for this to work.


Thanks and Regards

23 hours ago, KevinRenard said:


I am on the last version of Hyperspin and RocketLauncher and all my Taito Type X games are launched using Game Loader All RH.

I am encountering two issues:

When I launch a game the sound of Hyperspin is still running in the background.

Hyperspin is displaying the launching screen, and then as the game is slow to launch it display again the game detail and so when the game is finally launching hyperspin is not freezing itself.

When I want to exit a game it is not closing the game.

I've tried several combinations of exit method on game.exe or the Game Loader All RH exe but none of them seems to work correctly.


I am asking for your help, searching somebody that have the same combination of Hyperspin / RocketLauncher / Game Loader All RH for him to explain me what have been done for this to work.


Thanks and Regards


Best to use Escape on the keyboard for these games as no matter what combination you use it will cause issues on some of them.

I have been looking for years and have yet to find a combination (For all of them)


RL has a "suspend frontend" option that should solve issue 1.

Issue 2 is not so easy. These games don't have any sort of exit routines built in at all. To shut them off in real life you'd just hit the power switch on the cabinet. Alt+F4 is fairly effective way of terminating almost any windows app but you will have to consider each game individually.


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