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My Polybius is Done! (First cab build)

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I've finally finished my first cabinet and wanted to share the results with everybody! Honestly, it's a bit intimidating considering all the amazing custom cabinets that people put up here, but I just gotta share. Seeing HyperSpin in action on YouTube was what inspired me to take the plunge in the first place, so I feel it only right to share the results with the community. During the three years I spent getting all the software perfect I had plenty of time to mull over the theme and concept for the cab. Ultimately, because I have zero carpentry skills and facilities I chose the sometimes maligned Ultimate Arcade II and added a few customizations to it. I decided that I didn't want to go the route of simply plastering as many game characters on it as possible and I didn't want to limit it to just one game theme. So, I decided to make a cab for a game that, while well known in the gaming community, probably never existed. I felt that by choosing to make a Polybius cab, I had free reign to do whatever I wanted with the art, as there were no real rules to follow. Yes, I know there is a sort of common logo and look for Polybius that you can find online (like this: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?9657-Polybius) but I decided to go a different route entirely. So I thought about the alleged gameplay descriptions, a kind of space shooter. Then I thought about the accounts of how people reacted to playing it: stress, suicide, nightmares. I wanted to create art that would inspire mystery, apprehension and foreboding. So after some work I found the perfect illustration and then created the art for the marquee, side and control panel overlay.

So, here we are. Also, I wanted to say thanks to the great community behind HyperSpin, I seriously couldn't have done this without the tireless efforts of people like djvj, THK, Rain, donnei1979, and of course BadBoyBill. So thanks everybody!

Please let me know what you think! I've included some pics of the cab, as well as the flyer I used to promote the arcade unveiling party, and also a couple shots of folks using the machine.












Well you do learn something every day, I have to admit, I had to look up what Polybius meant and that was pretty interesting.

Love the philosophy behind your cab, love the side art, and it looks like you all had a blast at the party.

Thanks for sharing. :cheers:



Thanks Gigapig!

Majorspawn: I'm not sure I follow, I used rubber, I guess you'd call them washers, in the holes. I was firmly against having to plug anything in to play and wanted everything to be ready to use right away, this way I just grab the controller I want and it's already set to use, so I set them up that way. Only the N64 controllers use a USB converter, the Sega controllers are USB native and so are the Logitech F-310 twinsticks.


Love it :) Love the Titel!! Polybius if I remember correctly he was born from Arcadia(greece) . Love the look, not sure if it's intentional but the astronaut is a Dr. Who thing..this whole cabinet is is a Metal clad nerdgasm!!


Good job! i love it


Thanks guys! I found out about the Dr Who connection after I made the art, but that worked out just fine as I like Dr Who. If I had to give it a slogan, I'd probably use "Metal clad nerdgasm" now, haha.


Sure, it's an HP Pavilion 1380T, with an Intel Core i5-3330 CPU, 3 GHz, with an Intel HD video card and Windows 7.

Exactly 6,590 games (yes, I counted!), so I don't have all the systems and all the games, but I'm more than happy with what I have: Atari 2600, Jaguar, Lynx, MAME, Sega M2, Neo Geo Pocket Color, NES, SNES, Virtual Boy, N64, GameCube, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, GBA, custom MUGEN (with over 400 characters), Pinball Arcade, 3DO, PS1, PS2, TurboGrafx 16, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega 32X, Sega Game Gear, as well as a handful of PC games including the first 3 Dooms, Retro City Rampage, The Stanley Parable and of course, Deadly Premonition.

Due to the limitations of the video card, I wasn't able to add Dreamcast or Sega Saturn, and I can only run a handful of PS2 and Gamecube games, but that wil have to be for the inevitable second build at some point. The goal was never to have all the games, but simply enough games, works for me!

Sure, it's an HP Pavilion 1380T, with an Intel Core i5-3330 CPU, 3 GHz, with an Intel HD video card and Windows 7.

Exactly 6,590 games (yes, I counted!), so I don't have all the systems and all the games, but I'm more than happy with what I have: Atari 2600, Jaguar, Lynx, MAME, Sega M2, Neo Geo Pocket Color, NES, SNES, Virtual Boy, N64, GameCube, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, GBA, custom MUGEN (with over 400 characters), Pinball Arcade, 3DO, PS1, PS2, TurboGrafx 16, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega 32X, Sega Game Gear, as well as a handful of PC games including the first 3 Dooms, Retro City Rampage, The Stanley Parable and of course, Deadly Premonition.

Due to the limitations of the video card, I wasn't able to add Dreamcast or Sega Saturn, and I can only run a handful of PS2 and Gamecube games, but that wil have to be for the inevitable second build at some point. The goal was never to have all the games, but simply enough games, works for me!

The things most important, is it fun? and are you satisfied with the result? My current setup is bloated with systems. Because of theme development and overall curiosity.

Ha the Stanley parable.. The second most fun game I've played in years, right after broforce! Big recommendation there dude.. The current early access is great. Lots characters and pixelated ultra gory violence an arcade style coop game and deathmatch system. Broforce is a good addition to your system, if you would accept my suggestion of course. And it cheap. ;)


Oh yes indeed, I am having a blast with it! Broforce looks so awesome from what I've seen, I'm definitely going to add it, but only after it's been officially released out of early access. It's true what they say, you're never 100% finished with a Hyperspin set-up as there's always more to add.


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