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Hey Gang! 

Glad to see you back at it!!

I'm a lifetime member for both HS and Emu.

Installed HQ (updating regularly) When HQ is getting media (video snaps) from Emumovies for say MAME, my first emulator setup so far, I noticed that it sources the "medium" quality preview video snaps and compared to my previous MAME preview video snaps in my HS-1 media folder I have the HD quality media, which are larger sized files.

Now I know I can just copy the HD quality media videos that I have, but future option suggestion which maybe in your plans already is to add the option for HD medias.

Unless I missed something? 

Anyway, everything else is good so far, I'll let you know if I see anything else.


3 answers to this question

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14 minutes ago, thatman84 said:

There is an option in HyperHQ to set EM video quality. It defaults to medium.

moved to HyperHQ Support forum

Ahh ok, then I missed it, and thanks for moving it to the right forum, my bad ;)

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