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Where do the video themes go exactly?

They cant go in the same video folders right?

C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems\_overrides\Arcade (MAME)\EmuMoviesVideoMedium <--Wouldnt it just think its a regular video? 

Since this is overrides... hyperspin knows to use this folder over the cache folder? And even if it does use it... it projects the video to the full screen? Not displaying in the system theme?

Also... having a copy of the video in the regular client folder... then copying it over to cache... and having another video in override.... is a bit nuts. 3 copies of the video for the same game? Plus snaps?

We should be able to delete the ones we want and turn off syncing... every time hyperlaunch starts... it just starts grabbing the same files.  Taking up huge amounts of space.



11 hours ago, rik81 said:

Where do the video themes go exactly?

They cant go in the same video folders right?

C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems\_overrides\Arcade (MAME)\EmuMoviesVideoMedium <--Wouldnt it just think its a regular video? 

Since this is overrides... hyperspin knows to use this folder over the cache folder? And even if it does use it... it projects the video to the full screen? Not displaying in the system theme?

Also... having a copy of the video in the regular client folder... then copying it over to cache... and having another video in override.... is a bit nuts. 3 copies of the video for the same game? Plus snaps?

We should be able to delete the ones we want and turn off syncing... every time hyperlaunch starts... it just starts grabbing the same files.  Taking up huge amounts of space.



Spoke to @fr0stbyt3 this morning and you are absolutely right. It wasn't in the logic plan so I had to double check, but in the rush to get that out ASAP it got added with the current cache system in place that kind of demanded it be injested.  Next weeks cache upgrades will eliminate this need and then this whole thing should make a lot more sense and not needlessly fill your HDD with duplicate media. So consider this feature *experimental* this is not how its going to work long term or even near term.  

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