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SSF screen settings are INFURIATING me, please, I need help.


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I've struggled for two hours tonight trying to get SSF to display over the entire screen. Not a block at the centre of the screen, with black bars on all four sides, I want the entire screen and I know the bloody thing can do it because I had it working earlier. I don't remember what I did, which settings I had or which ones (apparently) got altered or deleted, but it -refuses- to stretch the entire screen now, no matter what I try. I've outright seen it delete the settings I put it by hand, at random, so I don't understand what to do anymore. I looked in the AHK, and in both SSF.ini files, the one in the emulator directory and the one in Hyperspin's. I do -not- understand how to set this thing so it launches in full screen and -covers- the full screen.

I don't fully understand the settings either. Enforce Aspect Ratio (Fullscreen)? What aspect ratio is it enforcing? Do I want that on? Off? I have Stretched ticked, you'd think that would just do it, but no. I know it won't work with Enforce Fullscreen and Fixed Fullscreen Resolution both ticked, and I've tried it with both off, -and- with one off and the other on, and vice versa. -ONE- of those -must- work, I got it working before. I've tried several combinations but again, I don't know which .ini or ahk or HyperlaunchHQ settings to change, all or just one, I have no clue. I ran out of patience an hour ago and I'm giving up for the night. I'll provide shots of my ahk or ini files or SSF's config screens upon request, but right now I'm stepping away from this before I get more frustrated.

Thank you in advance.


You've never had much luck with SSF have you :) no need for stress, grab a drink, sit down, relax and let try to fix this.

I noticed for the first time that there's no resolution setting in the options, but anyway.

Set everything to defaults in HLHQ.


And here are the settings I used to get widescreen. You can do it while the emu is running, just hit alt-enter to get the menus; and if your images are zipped try a small game like Battle Monsters.


Looks okay with Sweetfx scanlines, but I may go back to 4:3.



I have carried on messing with this and it does seem to be best to set it in HLHQ if you want it right to the edge as some of those settings in the emu just don't stick; unless it's changing when I press alt-enter.

So add these also.




....are certain Saturn -games- just not programmed to take up the entire screen? Both the Cotton games and Psychic Killer Tomomaru REFUSE, no matter HOW I set this stupid thing, to stretch to fill, and then along comes Wonder 3 Arcade Gears and bam, 100 percent screen coverage. And I would really love to know why. Megaman 8 also will not fill, nor will Final Fight Revenge.. but Astal will. Those are all of the games I have ready at the moment; the others are in raw zip form and I have not looked at them, and they certainly are not in proper form for Hyperspin.

So I'm really just wondering why I have two games which pay attention to my screen settings and several which don't even if I beg. Oh, I just tried Battle Monsters...-that- works in full-stretch too. Maybe my settings -are- right and some of these games just don't care and are never going to run exactly the way I want. =/


I run SSF ver.012 beta R3 and Astal plays on it, if you are interested. Super Turbo, on the other hand, only seems to play on version R4 for me, which is a pity because that's one of the many Japan-only titles for the system that are better than most of the titles available for this side of the planet.


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