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Shay's Bartop Arcade Project


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Greetings fellow Hyperspinners!

I have been out of the hyperspin game for a little bit of time now, I kind of got burnt out with all the configuring I was doing and the little bit of theme creation. I am about to return home after 7 months of deployment and am finally going to start a cabinet! Unfortunately my new house will not have enough room for a full sized cabinet so I have decided to go with a bartop. I was not really interested in bartops, but then I saw the Retrocade thread and it made me more interested.

First things first, I need to get a new computer. Unfortunately I don't have a huge budget, but I am planning on playing newer arcade games (Type-X) as well as PS2 and Gamecube/Wii. Building a computer has always been confusing to me, but I did find this hopefully good resource.


I am looking at the $400 computer they have listed, and since I already have a HD and monitor, and won't need a case everything comes to around $330.


CPU - AMD FX-6300


GPU - EVGA GeForce GTX 750

RAM - Crucial Ballistix Sport 4GB

PSU - Antec VP-450W

I am doing two players, 6 buttons each. Planning to purchase this.


(I was a little worried about the price being so cheap, but they do have 100% positive feedback)

I am also considering 2 Zero Delay encoders


Then maybe a few admin buttons (Exit, Select, Genre/Favorites), and two coin push buttons from groovygamegears.

Any input on the computer/controls/encoder is very much appreciated. I would love to hear if you have better options for the price or quality.

I hope to get this project started by the end of the year or early next year!



glad to hear that my cab has been of inspiration to you.

re keyboard encoder, i used a mini pac from arcade world, current price is $67 on eBay.. a bit more expensive that the ones you are looking at but they work well and have had no issues with it at all. the size is perfect for a minicab, as you can see from the photo below it sits between the player 1 and player 2 controls on a standard size bartop control panel.


it also gives you the options of using shifted commands, so you can control the cab volume via the joysticks, rather than requiring separate buttons, or an external volume control.

any other problems feel free to give me a shout..



  shaybe said:

I am doing two players, 6 buttons each. Planning to purchase this.


(I was a little worried about the price being so cheap, but they do have 100% positive feedback)

I am also considering 2 Zero Delay encoders


Welcome home dude! and welcome back to the hyperspin world. first off tornado terry's is a very reliable source, and buttons arent really expensive at all to begin with. As far as an IO board I'm using an IPAC2 and im sure most everyone else is using something from the IPAC family. Paying more for the reliability is the idea there, plus having the editing app is worth the extra 20 bucks alone. All these people starting bartops here lately is making me itch for starting mine


Thank you for the input! I was also considering the I-PAC VE because I don't see a need for me to change the default configuration, unless someone with experience has a reason why I need to.

My main issue right now is trying to outweigh the pro's and con's of a keyboard encoder vs joystick encoder.

To me it seems like a joystick encoder would be easier to map controls for all of the emulators, and then I would just need a program to get it work with hyperspin, where as a keyboard encoder would work well in hyperspin but would require external software to change the keys for most of the emulators (Such as SNES where pressing most number keys disables layers and can't be changed within the emulator).

Once again any input is appreciated.


Im not sure im getting what you mean when you say joystick encoder. As far as i know ipac is both in the same box. In my experience the cheaper I/Os are set up to specific keys ONLY. the ipac has the app where you can program it to whatever key you wish. The default mame controls have issues out of the box, you cant just go mashing on the control and shift keys without windows crap popping up. And as far as getting the keys to work correctly IN emulators, ive got zsnes and all the GUI keys are turned off. you just have to scour the options menu to find the box to click.


It is my understanding from what i have read that an I-PAC is read by the computer as a keyboard, but the Zero Delay encoder is read by the computer as a controller (Gamepad). I have heard good things about both, but I do know that the I-PAC is normally the go to encoder.

  • 2 weeks later...


The iPac / MiniPac are both keyboard encoders. In a nutshell, they translate arcade buttons into keyboard buttons that can be understood by emulators and, therefor, used to control games.

The iPac and MiniPac are both made by Ultimarc are highly recommended. The key difference, that makes the MiniPac the preferred choice for many, is that it includes a Wiring Harness. This makes it a lot easier to setup, because you don't have to crimp/make your own wires.


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