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Multiple versions of the same game in MAME: how to keep just 1 version?


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I have multiple versions of one gme in Hyperspin, when I browse my games. I would like to keep only 1 version of the game instead of the 2, 3, or 10 versions of the game. I didn't change anything on my MAME.XML file, just downloaded automatically via hypersync.

Pretty straight forward question, but didn't find a proper answer (I checked don's Hypertools, Clrmamepro but afraid of mess with it too...)

Thanks for your help guys!


Thanks for your quick answer. Indeed, i'm still a bit lost. :facepalm:

Hyper HQ > Wheel settings tab > Choose a wheel: MAME > Navigation/themes tab > then, Wheel filters: Theme only, am I right?


That's correct, but will only display games that you have a theme for. Instead you could tick Parents Only to hide all the clones, although this means you may need to to look for certain games under a different name than expected, e.g. Puckman instead of Pacman.


How about edit the mame.xml file and delete the extra copies/versions? Will that solve your issues?

Or are you looking to filter something like Mahjong that has hundreds of copies?


Or edit your MAME.xml file using Don's HyperSpin Tools. Here is a video tutorial I made to help you out on that. Go right to the 3rd section:


Why not just set HyperSpin to only show parents. It's under wheel settings.


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