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Sticks and buttons whats the best?


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Ok when i first built my cab i was a noobie and didnt know what to look for so i just went on ebay and purchased a kit which at the time was ok and still works fairly well, but on my next build i want some rgb sticks and buttons ive got the pacled 64 but i might get the howler instead, can you guys give me some ideas? also need shipping to the uk, theirs not many places over hear that do this stuff and what there is is silly expensive thanks.

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If you want good quality, you pay good money I'm afraid. If you want to buy locally, here are 2 UK sites:



Ultimarc is a UK company, despite the website defaulting to dollars for some reason. They sell rgb buttons (Ultralux) and a combined i/o board like the Howler (I-PAC Ultimate I/O), plus a variety of joysticks.

Arcade World sell Ultimarc products, plus some additional stuff like t-molding and a range of coin doors for example.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know if you already made your purchase or not, but I would recommend Ultimarc stuff as well. They are pricier though which it seems like you want to keep costs down...

I just bought from their site and it arrived at my house in just 5 days, and I am in the US. I personally chose them because their ultrlaux buttons looked the best imo. There was a thread comparing the 3 popular buttons, and their plastics looked the most crisp (less opaque and more vibrant). I can't find the thread though...However, I am talking about single color buttons, so I can't say much about their RGB stuff.

While I only started my build last week, I have to say that everything seems to be in nice quality. I was a bit worried about the analog u360, but it feels solid like an arcade stick minus the clicking. Their 4/8 sticks are probably near perfect if that is what you are aiming for.

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