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Hyperspin V 1.1 Sega Model 3


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Helping out a friend and came across a small problem,

He's using Hyperspin v1.1 he's running Sega Model 3 , i cannot get it to run fullscreen inside hyperspin.

Ive tried : Editing SuperModel.ini

[exe info]






parameters=-res=1024,768 -fullscreen=1 -multithreaded=1 -forcefeedback=1







With No joy could you please guide me were I've gone wrong.


You realize most of us are at work right now, right?

Can't help until I get home and look at my settings. But why isn't your friend here asking for help himself?


Ive no idea mate he's posted here before and had no reply . Now myself find it very good each to there own mate I'm just trying to help others like yourself. Yes i do know you guys are in work I'm UK your US, i think thats is what most people don't understand lol


Well.... some will say for better support its better to upgrade HL, v1.1 is very old (new). But if he cant, well ... try upgrading the emulator (new)

BTW bookmark that last website, is the best repository/news of the latest emulator versions


mine is different to yours. where you see -fullscreen=1, mine just says parameters=-fullscreen -res=800,600.

if I can help, let me know, I an check my setup but I just had a quick look at the ini file.


Thank you Vamp will pass this on and hopefully will work. he tried updating his cab and told me the whole thing crashed he's using a hyperspin torrent from another guy not sure. Thanks anyway for the support


Is it just me or are you always this rude? It's a general post you don't have to reply if your making a living and it doesn't matter who he's trying to help.


sorry if I am throwing around ideas you have already tried, but I had a look at mine and in HyperHQ do you have fullscreen set there in the params?


and also, I just noticed that supermodel initially uses the ini file in the config folder....there's a setting in there to make it full screen


1. Check the Module - Hyperluanch will use those settings above the emulator ini file.

2. Turn the emulator ini file into a read only file. Some emulators like changing settings back.

1. Check the Module - Hyperluanch will use those settings above the emulator ini file.

2. Turn the emulator ini file into a read only file. Some emulators like changing settings back.

True! and keep that in mind when you try to troubleshoot outside of HL lol


Rex are you referring to me as being rude ?? i do apologise if i come across like that i have no intentions of being rude :(

Thank you styphelus will pass that on and thanks again to everyone's comments

Thanks clivvy will take a look later mate :)

managed to get him to update lol hope it goes full screen with all this. Any quick way of updating or is it start from scratch

careful, I got a right bollocking for asking about upgrading. Answer, I think, is start from scratch (that's what ive done regardless) All the old modules wont work etc...


Think it's best to start from scratch he used a setup from a torrent I told him better from scratch as you can learn as you go.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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