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How do your mame update your roms?


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On my HyperSpin Cab I have 30-45 games listed. I usually update my mame roms and mameui every other major version release. I use clrmamepro and run a scan to fix/update my existing set with the latest DAT and updated Rom set. Once all the roms are updated I manually copy and overwrite each individual game in my mame's rom folder for hyperspin. As you can see it is time consuming as I increase my game list.

So how do you guys update your games list? Does clrmamepro have the option to only scan fix/update my existing hyperspin mame roms rather than adding the entire rom collection to it?


I am getting a lot of games that do not NEED CHD's yet MAME is asking for them (X-men arcade, Battle toads arcade, etc.) Is this because I need to update them? where do I get this updated ROM set? I will download clrmamepro now.

  • 1 year later...

I followed the tutorial thanks.... i wanted to ask something though.... i obvioulsy need to update mame first for the romset i have right ? eg... i just grabbed 0.153 full split set from PD..... but my mame is 0.152... i would need to update to 0.153 then run clrmame so it can do its job correctly right ?

Just making sure im going through the right process ... thanks.


Yes create a dat from the new MAME153 exe or you can grab the dat from PD. Usually at the beginning of the post for the new release and follow the instructions there.





I use RomVault with the latest DAT file from PD. Once it's all updated/stripped automatically by RomVault, I join the new version of the torrent in progress and then it usually starts at like 80%. This avoids having to download the whole thing again. The torrent then fills in the gaps for a complete set.

Video on how it's done (by the author of RomVault) here:



Hi guys i used clrmame to fix my 0.153 full spit set, all worked great... i recently grabbed the CHD's but when i go and do the same scan and try and rebuild it, it says SKIPPED FILES and they are all skipped does not fix anything...

What am i doing wrong ???



You have to use a dat file as I don't think it can rebuild CHDs from Mame I read on PD. Was just heading here myself to get somebody to talk me through it. I have the dat from PD....

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


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