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Hello hyper community!


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Hello I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm from Detroit Michigan and I super eager to get started building an arcade machine. I have zero experience in the whole wood making part of a build (but happy to learn). I may have jumped the gun a little early by making a spontaneous purchase of an X-arcade tankstick w/trackball that came with maximus arcade fe software. But i think i'm gonna use it (the arcade stick not the fe) for learning with my first arcade cab. I'm hoping to learn enough from all the reading I'm gonna be doing from the forums. I can't wait to get started and share with you guys what I make and learn!


Any thoughts on the maximus arcade software any ways since i have it? I learned about hyperspin from watching other peoples arcade cab's on youtube and was blown away by how awesome it looked in comparison. I jumped the gun again and just went straight to platinum here :D hoping i didn't make a mistake. 


Hey Welcome!,


my brother is in Detroit atm! (project for his study before graduating from uni)


last pic was from a Jazz cafe he went to after his cab didn't show




(I'm from the netherlands, so we don't get to go there often, at least too far to cycle, lol)


..........................back with a vengeance........................


And when you have everything as you want, you'll probably sell your X-arcade and build your own cp/cab


..........................back with a vengeance........................


Of course you didn't make a mistake coming here.  You are very welcome here, hang out , do some reading and ask questions if you need help, everyone is pretty nice here.


Welcome to the boards dude.  If you're looking for inspiration for your cab, lurk the cabinet boards.  dont be afraid to ask questions and friend people.  we're a friendly bunch.  going platinum made your life a whole lot easier, trust me.


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