sreisig1 Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 I will try your ini setup in a second, having another issue and I'm about to pull my hair out. I tried getting back to where I was and setting player 2 light gun analogs to "none", that way player 1's gun would just move its crosshair and not both, so I can atleast get back to playing 1 player. But compared to how it use to be before I tried getting both guns to work, now the crosshair is all over the place instead of really steady like before. How do I get it back to how it was? In ultimarc utility tilt is set to off as it was before and still I have this new problem. What did I change?
sreisig1 Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 I know where to access the .ini for mame, within the emulators folder, but where are the .ini files for individual games located?
dougan78 Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 In the ini folder beneath your mame folder. Search your computer for romname.ini to find it too.
dougan78 Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 I am not sure on the unsteadiness. I reset my config and recalibrated so many times. Test recalibrating too. If you find the ini you can delete it for that game and then relaunch it to make a new one and reconfigure the controls. I would focus on finding the ini.
sreisig1 Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 Alright. I'll try that when I get home from work today. Thanks, dougan. Which version in jumpstiles folder should I download? Also, came across you in another thread and someone recommended the high score build? Still recommend the jumpstile?
dougan78 Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 I still recommed jumpstiles. The one without direct input in the file name.
sreisig1 Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 Alright. And that's just the MAMEUI not the MAMEUIFX? Thanks for all your help. I know I'm firing a bunch of stuff at you. If it weren't people like you in this forum I'd be at ground zero.
sreisig1 Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 Found it. I think you meant the .cfg file? well i deleted it. ran area 51. it created a new one. I then remapped the controls in the game, "orignally it says mouse 1x/mouse 1y for the axis's before i deleted the file". This time when I did it it sayd gun1 instead of mouse. When I went to go play the crosshair was steady again. So for the crosshair to be steady I believe it needs to register as "gun" and not "mouse" when setting up the axis in the tab menu.
dougan78 Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 Well you should have both. Yes it should say gun not mouse so that is working. Progress!
dougan78 Posted October 18, 2014 Posted October 18, 2014 Here is my mame folder. The ini folder. I believe all of these are created by default when you run a mame -cc to do the initial setup. The cfg folder contains the games specific configurations if any. Now I generally attack mame with a 1 size fits all approach so I configured mame to use all 4 of my controllers, both aimtrak guns, and the utrak all in default mame configuration. So automatically most everything just works. Some of analog stick games (AD I think?) (Terminator, Aliens, etc) require the aimtraks and others like Stun Runner require a analog stick or just keys setup in my case I configure those few games that are analog stick games with per game settings under configure controls for this game. So the stuff in your .cfg files should be empty unless you are setting your controls per shooting game in which case you would have a bunch of stuff in those .cfg for anything you setup special for that specific game. The ini folder has basically a copy of the mame.ini that is renamed to romname.ini This is where I adjust the controller inputs and select offscreen reload 1 for games that use off screen reload or 0 if they do not. With out having these game specific inis I ran into issues with games that were off screen reload and were set to 0 the inputs would not work or both guns would work from 1 gun. Same with games that were not off screen reload and were set to 1. Now because I have a utrak I need the mouse settings at 1 for arkanoid type games and golden tee. Why is any of this important? Well I believe I manually edited my default.cfg(for me at least) in the cfg folder to have the correct guncode settings for the light gun games. it is also important to note that if your guns get plugged into different USB ports or something else weird happens with USB. They will get a different USB ID and there for a different GUN ID in mame and there for you will need to reconfigure your controls. Once you figure out what gun numbers they are you can real quick find and replace GUNCODE_3_BUTTON1 for GUNCODE_2_BUTTON1. Why did I need to manually edit the default.cfg? 1. Having mouse and lightgun set to 1 screws stuff up. I use a utrak and need mouse set to 1. (so this is why I have romename.ini files to have the correct core inputs for those light gun games). 2. With out having mouse set to 1 I cannot set lightgun to 1 so there fore I cannot set the mame in puts for gun buttons, gun x, gun y properly so I had to figure out what those were by manually configuring a game and then putting those in manually. Example Button 1 from my setup: <port type="P1_BUTTON1"> <newseq type="standard"> KEYCODE_EQUALS OR GUNCODE_3_BUTTON1 OR MOUSECODE_1_BUTTON1 </newseq> SO a combination for me at least of default.cfg and gamename.ini files won the day. Does the manual mention any of this, oh no... it says set light gun to 1 and calibrate and you are set.... yeah... Once it is working it is impressive and having guns is the easiest way to get non-gamers into playing games even if they hate games. Most everyone loves gun games. Cheers! and good luck. </port>
sreisig1 Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 Im confused haha. Well I just updated my roms to 0.155 and got the jumpstile 0.155 mameuifx build. Set the core input option in the mame.ini and still nothing. Point both guns at the screen and i see two blue crosshairs.
dougan78 Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 sreisig1 said: Im confused haha. Well I just updated my roms to 0.155 and got the jumpstile 0.155 mameuifx build. Set the core input option in the mame.ini and still nothing. Point both guns at the screen and i see two blue crosshairs. Did you set the gun ids in the aimtrak utility so 1 gun is on id1 and one is on id2? Can only be done with one gun plugged in at a time. Do both guns work in windows?
sreisig1 Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 Yes. And when in the aimtrak utility, and device 1 selected, gun 1 shows the red dot moving in the utility, gun 2 doesnt. And on device 2 selected, gun 1 doesn't show anything and gun 2 shows the red dot moving. So that would mean, I'm assuming, that the device Ids are working fine.
dougan78 Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 Do you have anything enabled in your core inputs besides lightgun 1 and off screen reload 1?
sreisig1 Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 No. Just reload and lightgun. In the other part I have lightgun=lightgun and mouse=mouse. I have "dual lightguns" unticked in mameuifx. Like you, when it is ticked, the crosshairs don't show up at all in game.
dougan78 Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 I will post my whole mame.ini and area51.ini so you can see if that helps.
dougan78 Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 OPlease test backing up your mame.ini and using this for your mame.ini # # CORE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS # readconfig 1 writeconfig 0 # # CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS # rompath roms hashpath hash samplepath samples artpath artwork ctrlrpath ctrlr inipath .;ini fontpath . cheatpath cheat crosshairpath crosshair highpath dats # # CORE OUTPUT DIRECTORY OPTIONS # cfg_directory cfg nvram_directory nvram memcard_directory memcard input_directory inp state_directory sta snapshot_directory snap diff_directory diff comment_directory comments hiscore_directory hi video_directory video # # CORE STATE/PLAYBACK OPTIONS # state autosave 0 playback record mngwrite aviwrite wavwrite snapname %g/%i snapsize auto snapview internal statename %g burnin 0 # # CORE PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # autoframeskip 0 frameskip 0 seconds_to_run 0 throttle 1 sleep 1 speed 1.0 refreshspeed 0 # # CORE ROTATION OPTIONS # rotate 1 ror 0 rol 0 autoror 0 autorol 0 flipx 0 flipy 0 # # CORE ARTWORK OPTIONS # artwork_crop 1 use_backdrops 1 use_overlays 1 use_bezels 1 use_cpanels 1 use_marquees 1 # # CORE SCREEN OPTIONS # brightness 1.0 contrast 1.0 gamma 1.0 pause_brightness 0.65 effect none cleanstretch 0 # # CORE VECTOR OPTIONS # antialias 1 beam 1.0 flicker 0 # # CORE SOUND OPTIONS # sound 1 samplerate 48000 samples 1 volume 0 soundsync 0 # # CORE INPUT OPTIONS # coin_lockout 1 ctrlr mouse 1 joystick 1 lightgun 0 multikeyboard 0 multimouse 0 steadykey 0 ui_active 0 offscreen_reload 0 joystick_map auto joystick_deadzone 0.3 joystick_saturation 0.85 natural 0 joystick_contradictory 0 coin_impulse 0 # # CORE INPUT AUTOMATIC ENABLE OPTIONS # paddle_device keyboard adstick_device keyboard pedal_device keyboard dial_device keyboard trackball_device keyboard lightgun_device keyboard positional_device keyboard mouse_device mouse # # CORE DEBUGGING OPTIONS # log 0 verbose 0 update_in_pause 0 debug 0 debugscript debug_internal 0 # # CORE MISC OPTIONS # drc 1 drc_use_c 0 bios cheat 0 skip_gameinfo 0 uifont default ramsize confirm_quit 0 ui_mouse 0 autoboot_command autoboot_delay 2 autoboot_script http 0 http_port 8080 http_path web hiscore 1 # # WINDOWS DEBUGGING OPTIONS # oslog 0 watchdog 0 debugger_font "Lucida Console" debugger_font_size 9 # # WINDOWS PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # priority 0 multithreading 1 numprocessors auto profile 0 bench 0 # # WINDOWS VIDEO OPTIONS # video d3d numscreens 1 window 0 maximize 1 keepaspect 1 unevenstretch 1 prescale 1 waitvsync 0 syncrefresh 0 menu 0 # # DIRECTDRAW-SPECIFIC OPTIONS # hwstretch 1 # # DIRECT3D-SPECIFIC OPTIONS # filter 1 # # DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # hlsl_enable 1 hlslini %g hlsl_prescale_x 4 hlsl_prescale_y 4 hlsl_preset -1 hlsl_write hlsl_snap_width 2560 hlsl_snap_height 2048 shadow_mask_alpha 0.00 shadow_mask_texture aperture.png shadow_mask_x_count 320 shadow_mask_y_count 256 shadow_mask_usize 0.187500 shadow_mask_vsize 0.09375 curvature 0.02 pincushion 0.02 scanline_alpha 0.450000 scanline_size 1.25 scanline_height 0.750000 scanline_bright_scale 1.000000 scanline_bright_offset 0.750000 scanline_jitter 0.25 defocus 1.0,1.0 converge_x 0.0,0.0,0.0 converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_x 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 red_ratio 1.0,0.0,0.0 grn_ratio 0.0,1.0,0.0 blu_ratio 0.0,0.0,1.0 saturation 1.250000 offset 0.0,0.0,0.0 scale 1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 power 1.200000,1.200000,1.200000 floor 0.0,0.0,0.0 phosphor_life 0.200000,0.200000,0.200000 yiq_enable 0 yiq_cc 3.59754545 yiq_a 0.5 yiq_b 0.5 yiq_o 0.0 yiq_p 1.0 yiq_n 1.0 yiq_y 3.0 yiq_i 1.2 yiq_q 0.6 yiq_scan_time 52.6 yiq_phase_count 2 # # DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # # hlsl_enable 0 # hlslpath hlsl # hlsl_prescale_x 0 # hlsl_prescale_y 0 # hlsl_preset -1 # hlsl_write # hlsl_snap_width 2048 # hlsl_snap_height 1536 # shadow_mask_alpha 0.0 # shadow_mask_texture aperture.png # shadow_mask_x_count 320 # shadow_mask_y_count 240 # shadow_mask_usize 0.09375 # shadow_mask_vsize 0.109375 # curvature 0.03 # pincushion 0.03 # scanline_alpha 1.0 # scanline_size 1.0 # scanline_height 1.0 # scanline_bright_scale 1.0 # scanline_bright_offset 0.0 # scanline_jitter 0.0 # defocus 0.0,0.0 # converge_x 0.3,0.0,-0.3 # converge_y 0.0,0.3,-0.3 # radial_converge_x 0.0,0.0,0.0 # radial_converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 # red_ratio 1.0,0.0,0.0 # grn_ratio 0.0,1.0,0.0 # blu_ratio 0.0,0.0,1.0 # saturation 1.4 # offset 0.0,0.0,0.0 # scale 0.95,0.95,0.95 # power 0.8,0.8,0.8 # floor 0.05,0.05,0.05 # phosphor_life 0.4,0.4,0.4 # # NTSC POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # # yiq_enable 0 # yiq_cc 3.59754545 # yiq_a 0.5 # yiq_b 0.5 # yiq_o 1.570796325 # yiq_p 1.0 # yiq_n 1.0 # yiq_y 6.0 # yiq_i 1.2 # yiq_q 0.6 # yiq_scan_time 52.6 # yiq_phase_count 2 # # VECTOR POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # vector_length_scale 0.8 vector_length_ratio 500.0 # # BLOOM POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # vector_bloom_scale 0.3 raster_bloom_scale 0.225 bloom_lvl0_weight 1.0 bloom_lvl1_weight 0.21 bloom_lvl2_weight 0.19 bloom_lvl3_weight 0.17 bloom_lvl4_weight 0.15 bloom_lvl5_weight 0.14 bloom_lvl6_weight 0.13 bloom_lvl7_weight 0.12 bloom_lvl8_weight 0.11 bloom_lvl9_weight 0.10 bloom_lvl10_weight 0.09 # # PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS # screen auto aspect auto resolution auto view auto screen0 auto aspect0 auto resolution0 auto view0 auto screen1 auto aspect1 auto resolution1 auto view1 auto screen2 auto aspect2 auto resolution2 auto view2 auto screen3 auto aspect3 auto resolution3 auto view3 auto # # FULL SCREEN OPTIONS # triplebuffer 0 switchres 0 full_screen_brightness 1.0 full_screen_contrast 1.0 full_screen_gamma 1.0 # # WINDOWS SOUND OPTIONS # audio_latency 2 # # INPUT DEVICE OPTIONS # dual_lightgun 0 joystick_id_1 0 joystick_id_2 1 joystick_id_3 2 joystick_id_4 3 joystick_id_5 4 joystick_id_6 5 joystick_id_7 6 joystick_id_8 7 Then in your mame folder. Make a INI folder put a area51.ini in there with this in it: # # CORE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS # readconfig 1 writeconfig 0 # # CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS # rompath H:\Hyperspin_Roms\MAME\Roms hashpath hash samplepath samples artpath artwork ctrlrpath ctrlr inipath ini fontpath . cheatpath cheat crosshairpath crosshair highpath dats # # CORE OUTPUT DIRECTORY OPTIONS # cfg_directory cfg nvram_directory nvram memcard_directory memcard input_directory inp state_directory sta snapshot_directory snap diff_directory diff comment_directory comments hiscore_directory hi video_directory video # # CORE STATE/PLAYBACK OPTIONS # state autosave 0 playback record mngwrite aviwrite wavwrite snapname %g/%i snapsize auto snapview internal statename %g burnin 0 # # CORE PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # autoframeskip 0 frameskip 0 seconds_to_run 0 throttle 1 sleep 1 speed 1.0 refreshspeed 0 # # CORE ROTATION OPTIONS # rotate 1 ror 0 rol 0 autoror 0 autorol 0 flipx 0 flipy 0 # # CORE ARTWORK OPTIONS # artwork_crop 0 use_backdrops 1 use_overlays 1 use_bezels 1 use_cpanels 1 use_marquees 1 # # CORE SCREEN OPTIONS # brightness 1.0 contrast 1.0 gamma 1.0 pause_brightness 0.65 effect none cleanstretch 0 # # CORE VECTOR OPTIONS # antialias 1 beam 1.0 flicker 0 # # CORE SOUND OPTIONS # sound 1 samplerate 48000 samples 1 volume 0 soundsync 0 # # CORE INPUT OPTIONS # coin_lockout 1 ctrlr mouse 0 joystick 0 lightgun 1 multikeyboard 0 multimouse 0 steadykey 0 ui_active 0 offscreen_reload 1 joystick_map auto joystick_deadzone 0.3 joystick_saturation 0.85 natural 0 joystick_contradictory 0 coin_impulse 0 # # CORE INPUT AUTOMATIC ENABLE OPTIONS # paddle_device keyboard adstick_device keyboard pedal_device keyboard dial_device keyboard trackball_device keyboard lightgun_device keyboard positional_device keyboard mouse_device mouse # # CORE DEBUGGING OPTIONS # log 0 verbose 0 update_in_pause 0 debug 0 debugscript debug_internal 0 # # CORE MISC OPTIONS # drc 1 drc_use_c 0 bios cheat 0 skip_gameinfo 0 uifont default ramsize confirm_quit 0 ui_mouse 0 autoboot_command autoboot_delay 2 autoboot_script http 0 http_port 8080 http_path web hiscore 1 # # WINDOWS DEBUGGING OPTIONS # oslog 0 watchdog 0 debugger_font "Lucida Console" debugger_font_size 9 # # WINDOWS PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # priority 0 multithreading 0 numprocessors auto profile 0 bench 0 # # WINDOWS VIDEO OPTIONS # video d3d numscreens 1 window 0 maximize 1 keepaspect 1 unevenstretch 1 prescale 1 waitvsync 0 syncrefresh 0 menu 0 # # DIRECTDRAW-SPECIFIC OPTIONS # hwstretch 1 # # DIRECT3D-SPECIFIC OPTIONS # filter 1 # # DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # hlsl_enable 0 hlslpath hlsl hlsl_prescale_x 0 hlsl_prescale_y 0 hlsl_preset -1 hlsl_write hlsl_snap_width 2048 hlsl_snap_height 1536 shadow_mask_alpha 0.0 shadow_mask_texture aperture.png shadow_mask_x_count 320 shadow_mask_y_count 240 shadow_mask_usize 0.09375 shadow_mask_vsize 0.109375 curvature 0.03 pincushion 0.03 scanline_alpha 1.0 scanline_size 1.0 scanline_height 1.0 scanline_bright_scale 1.0 scanline_bright_offset 0.0 scanline_jitter 0.0 defocus 0.0,0.0 converge_x 0.3,0.0,-0.3 converge_y 0.0,0.3,-0.3 radial_converge_x 0.0,0.0,0.0 radial_converge_y 0.0,0.0,0.0 red_ratio 1.0,0.0,0.0 grn_ratio 0.0,1.0,0.0 blu_ratio 0.0,0.0,1.0 saturation 1.4 offset 0.0,0.0,0.0 scale 0.95,0.95,0.95 power 0.8,0.8,0.8 floor 0.05,0.05,0.05 phosphor_life 0.4,0.4,0.4 # # NTSC POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # yiq_enable 0 yiq_cc 3.59754545 yiq_a 0.5 yiq_b 0.5 yiq_o 1.570796325 yiq_p 1.0 yiq_n 1.0 yiq_y 6.0 yiq_i 1.2 yiq_q 0.6 yiq_scan_time 52.6 yiq_phase_count 2 # # VECTOR POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # vector_length_scale 0.8 vector_length_ratio 500.0 # # BLOOM POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # vector_bloom_scale 0.3 raster_bloom_scale 0.225 bloom_lvl0_weight 1.0 bloom_lvl1_weight 0.21 bloom_lvl2_weight 0.19 bloom_lvl3_weight 0.17 bloom_lvl4_weight 0.15 bloom_lvl5_weight 0.14 bloom_lvl6_weight 0.13 bloom_lvl7_weight 0.12 bloom_lvl8_weight 0.11 bloom_lvl9_weight 0.10 bloom_lvl10_weight 0.09 # # PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS # screen auto aspect auto resolution auto view auto screen0 auto aspect0 auto resolution0 auto view0 auto screen1 auto aspect1 auto resolution1 auto view1 auto screen2 auto aspect2 auto resolution2 auto view2 auto screen3 auto aspect3 auto resolution3 auto view3 auto # # FULL SCREEN OPTIONS # triplebuffer 0 switchres 0 full_screen_brightness 1.0 full_screen_contrast 1.0 full_screen_gamma 1.0 # # WINDOWS SOUND OPTIONS # audio_latency 2 # # INPUT DEVICE OPTIONS # dual_lightgun 0 joystick_id_1 0 joystick_id_2 1 joystick_id_3 2 joystick_id_4 3 joystick_id_5 4 joystick_id_6 5 joystick_id_7 6 joystick_id_8 7 Then test area51 or copy copy area51.ini to area51a.ini If you are using that one. Really, you should be able to use just the area51.ini in the INI folder beneath the mame folder. Let me know. AND CHANGE THE ROM PATHS PLEASE TO YOUR CONFIG! Cheers!
sreisig1 Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Replaced with your ini's and still nothing. Ugh this is so nerv racking. Thanks for all your help though dougan
dougan78 Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Not the result i was hoping for. i really thought that would be your answer. Hmm that is all i did once they both worked in windows. You said the cross hairs are the same color in mame? If so can you send pics of the aimtrak utility. 1 each for each device id?
klizine Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Have you tried just the regular mame? Meaning one of the official binaries.
potts43 Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 I've got two gun kits in the pipeline...this sounds like a headache but hats off to everyone helping to get these working. Even people about to attempt this are wanting you to get this working....I've found you need help, patience and time away from hyperspin before things click into place sometimes. Good luck!
dougan78 Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 It takes time and patience. My wife did not want to be around me while i was working on this. I was so frustrated. Now we play all sorts of light gun games in utter bliss.
potts43 Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 dougan78 said: It takes time and patience. My wife did not want to be around me while i was working on this. I was so frustrated. Now we play all sorts of light gun games in utter bliss. Yeah, my mrs often says I'm off savin' the world....haha
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