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Everything posted by russdx

  1. Ooo i thought they where discontinued long ago but so many were made they are still available. Must be loads out there hehe
  2. u cant just connect it to a simple transformer first you need a transformer that can supply all the correct voltages, then you need alot of smoothing caps and other crap to make it constant current. if it was easy we would all be using plasma's and the 12v dc power supply ones are even more complex as they are creating all the voltages from 12v.
  3. hey mikekim i stay with my gf in the week (witney) so prob best if i just drive over to you if thats ok I can bring some spares, see if we can see what's up ill bring the pinDMD2 as well be interesting to see what it looks like on a 128x32 plasma (only tested it on my 192x64) there was nothing wrong with pinDMD1 but it was at its limits! pinDMD2 can run 16shades (prob more) far darker shades 60+ fps 1click firmware upgrading much sturdier usb connector far more powerful micro-controller just far better in every way
  4. about time arduino used a man mircro and not these little piddly 16mhz things lol
  5. no worries bud give me a shout when ur about , have a see whats up ill bring my DMD, psu, extra dmd cables, pinDMD start replacing bits until we see what's not working lol
  6. hmmm, no idea why its so upset i could pop round one night after work next week if u want? see if we can figure out whats up?
  7. no thats ok its some sort of interference but i cant see what's causing it, im 99% the firmware is fine because its working great for me and a few others. what power supply are you using again?
  8. hmm, it does not seam to be doing the flickering any more from what i can see? but you got some overrun which was a problem with the 0603led displays but never had it on a plasma lol. try this firmware www.pindmd.com/dmd128x32plasma.hex works great on my plasma i cant see why its a bit funny on yours :/ don't worry to much if we cant fix it now, i can always pop over some time with my laptop and just play with the timings until we get it correct (it should work out of the box though!!)
  9. hmm just flashed my pinDMD with plasma firmware and ran on my plasma display and its fine. not sure what's causing that interference. could you take a picture of your whole setup? psu/pindmd lol just noticed ur about 40min from me (im stay in witney in the week)
  10. hmm no that flicker is timing issue or interference make sure the pindmd 14way cable is not resting on a power cable and that its plugged in securely both ends. also what power supply are you using? few other people use that display with the plasma firmware without problems so im hoping it is some thing i mentioned above. also remove it from the bubble wrap the static on the ground plane/traces is probably not helping lol try every thing i mentioned above if its still doing it give me a shout
  11. you need to update the firmware with the plasma version, the original led firmware that comes with the board will not work http://www.pindmd.com/downloads/firmware/ http://www.pindmd.com/AN003.pdf
  12. far as im aware, standard molex with the 5v cut is fine for the vishay 12v plasma displays + add the fuse if you want
  13. yes thats the one njay looks like a really nice display, it will run off your 12v from your psu
  14. my dad has paused the power board project for a while, so this wont be available for a long time pinLED is a good option as long as its used correctly i did noticed mouser are selling 12v plasma displays for £240 the other day, only £40 more then a pinLED. am tempted to buy one my self
  15. hey XPin Pinball if i send you a pinDMD could you confirm it works ok with your boards before any one places an order just to make sure its ok
  16. dads back working on it!
  17. should be soon
  18. hey guys iv slightly amended the VPinMAME.dll iv made the usb baud very slightly slower it seams to stop the slight flickering you get when running dim colours in fast animations (tales from crypt insert coin animation) iv uploaded the new version let me know if its an imporvement or not hehe (looks much better for me) can download the VPinMAME.dll from mine and snots sig ALSO - some REALLY good news Noah Fentz has managed to get hold of the vishay displays!!!! i think he will be stocking the orange ones? im not sure yet but i will be sending him some pinDMD's for testing soon to make sure they are ok. so hopefully this is the DMD shortage problem and you will all soon have a place to buy your DMD's from www.pinDMD.com | latest Cabinet VPinMAME.dll with pinDMD integration is Here! | pinDMD firmware is Here!
  19. @pixelmagic np - this project is very similar to mine and would love to help out @shifters67 sorry ignore my pm reply if you do have access to arduinos using the FT232RL i CAN give you ALOT of example code how to talk directly to the ftdi chip straight from the .dll the only drivers the pc needs is the FTDI drivers, but seeing as your using ur arduino you will have these already. + other people installing this kit will not have any problems as the drivers are so easy to install from FTDI website (windows 7 even does this all for you automatically (if ur connected to the net)) first thing you will need is the pinmame project and be able to compile it you can check it out from here using svn http://sourceforge.net/projects/pinmame/develop/ this site is very helpful for helping you setup visual studio http://pinballproject.blogspot.co.uk/2009/04/compiling-pinmame-with-visual-c.html once you have that set uo. i can give you some source that first searches for the ftdi chip and once found will send it byte arrays (what you send it is up to you ) it is also all wrapped in threads so no more stutter
  20. iv modified it to get access to the dmd frames and send them to a ftdi chip. not looked at the lamps,switches but cant see it being a problem. i think to get 100% stutter free. you need to move all the serial coms code into the .dll (what drivers does these new arduinos need??) and have the roms talk direct, with the serial coms wrapped in a thread. and just pass a few params using the vbs script to set up the map between rom events and the physical outputs on the arduino.
  21. ah its not using a FTDI chip like the older Arduinos, shame as i have all the source to talk to them hehe
  22. shifters67 which arduino are you using, is it the one that uses the FTDI chip for usb coms?
  23. had a quick read of the whole thread (whoooah lol), have you considered trying to move the serial port calls into the VPinMAME.dll it self? this way you can wrap it in its own thread eliminating the stutter problem completely!!! i do this for my pinDMD stuff and can send 2052 bytes around 24fps stutter free. just an idea great board
  24. i only supply the pinDMD board not the display, what display you get is up to you but id stay away from the plasma range as they need nasty voltages to work. you are much better off using the LED vishay range as they run off just 5v. more info at www.pindmd.com
  25. dont worry, im gonna order a second batch of 100 the second the first batch are all tested
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