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Everything posted by russdx

  1. ah cool when u say FPS do u mean 'frames per second'? as i thought 120 was like max on high end cards?
  2. havent notice any fps loss my self BUT thats prob because i am testing just normal layouts not these super cab layouts lol. i have also been compiling against the normal pinmame build not Destruks special cab build (he is gonna add my code once its complete) the usb send command is all handled in separate thread so technically shouldn't effect the game play at all! but if people are seeing performance hits i can move all the usb code to another application you would run in the background and the pinmame.dll would just send it the frame data over a socket and the usb application would handle the board. but the fully integrated pinmame.dll should work fine.
  3. iv made it so the logo is now stored in a .txt file you place in your tables folder no firmware upgrading needed pinmame.dll will look for that txt file in between games and use that as the logo also looking into having the dmd scroll through table names / manu logos
  4. be careful of these type displays http ://www . pinballlife.com/index.php?p=product&id=164&parent=0 they are the plasma range and require 4 different voltages very nasty aless u already have a pinball transformer + power smoothing board. my dad is currently making a board that will power then just from 12v but this is a few months off yet! there are two types of led displays i have seen the ones made of little 8x8 led matrix segments (think pinled now use 16x16?) they look ok and can hardly notice it when the display is animating or the expensive vishay single led ones that look almost identical to the real thing due to the smaller leds + PERFECT spacing. its all down to how much u wanna spend.
  5. first batch of 35 are still is production should be ready in 3-4weeks the preOrder list is now FULL But i am going to make another batch of 100 boards very soon! www.pindmd.com
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