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Everything posted by sucramjd

  1. Wow I didn't know I did that many for the wii, good to see there still being used, I lost them ages ago hard drive failure
  2. how the bejeezus do you get demul to load the games? I cannot figure it out for the life of me, have my system called light gun games and I get the error message light gun games is not supported by this module, help i'm going crazy. found this on the rlauncher forum still don't understand what he means by associate, You're not associating a system identifier with the "Cave Hyperbase 1" system on the mType line so that screws up all the system/identifier pairs. can someone explain please
  3. Version 20150708


    Mario Kart Double Dash
  4. Version 20141112


    Cloak & Dagger (rev 5) - cloak (MAME) Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  5. Hi can some one design and print me some artwork for my cab, ive nearly finished building it, i used sellf adhesive vinyl wrap its ok but looks boring, ive only ever used photoshop once and couldnt get my head round it, im in the uk pm me with prices etc cheers
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