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dreamw last won the day on January 31 2017

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About dreamw

  • Birthday 02/10/1979

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    Russian Federation, Krasnodar
  • Interests
    Family, Work, Gaming, Streaming, Content Making


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  1. Hi hiperspiners! The third week of silence has begun ... Tell us what at least the process is going on now, what is the situation in development.
  2. Hello hyperspinners! Yesterday I discovered a ridiculous graphical bug - on the exit screen, I press right - left and a horizontal line with letters is called up (which in the list of games allow you to go to the First letter of the game). I am sure that this should not be on the exit screen. Suggestion: Make the exit screen like in the old version. At the top there should be the inscription "Do you want to exit?" and below two inscriptions "Yes" and "No". I would also like for each console the ability to replace the Letters in the horizontal search bar with graphic files.
  3. Need help! Please tell me how to add such systems as Neo Geo and Capcom Play System to Hyperspin. Previously, I created a XMLs with games from CPS-1/2/3 and NeoGeo, and specified the path to one folder MAME in the ROMs and from the common heap Hyperspin took the games I needed and displayed them in the shell. How to do this correctly now, without XMLs and through HyperHQ? I want all the games to run through RetroARCH, I don't want to install unnecessary emulators!
  4. I want to correct. The Launch button does not work if the emulator is in another folder. If the emulator is moved to the Hyperspin/Emulators folder, the button works.
  5. When adding a new system, when we get to the point of selecting downloaded media files, the icons are displayed too large.
  6. Hello! Tell me how to add SNK Neo Geo, Capcom Play System to HyperHQ if I want them to work through RetroArch? I'm trying to add Neo Geo - but in HyperHQ it's some kind of mess of ROMs, and the games don't even start..... Maybe show a video?
  7. try deleting all folders hyperspin and hyperhq, and install clear fresh version HyperHq. Last version on the site - good working to me/
  8. Hi. You can already join the beta testers, you are a content creator. This is equivalent to support.
  9. The button does not work if another emulator is selected except RetroArch
  10. Видео без названия — сделано в Clipchamp.mp4
  11. I also noticed this bug - if the game doesn't have a box and/or cartridge, it will take the form of one standing nearby. I showed it on the video.
  12. king91six, my friend this is BETA-TEST. There will be many more bugs and fixes here. No need to get angry, use version 1.5 for now as a base, and this version is still very unstable. You should have understood this, because they immediately said - this is a Beta test.
  13. Неподвижный! И темы начали скачиваться!
  14. Make, please, japanese version console - nintendo famicom, super famicom, nec pc-engine...
  15. Im install new version (2.0.41) but media and themes in hyperspin not downloads... ((((((((((((
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