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  1. What about the elephant in the room? The media doesnt sync over to hyperspin at all.
  2. I dont mind what theyve done so far.... They just need to scrap the cache file which puts every single file on the drive into a database. (Im sure the scanning overhead is immense!) And make override the default so their media can be used or your own. Either that or get the hyperspin plugin working properly... So that it actually imports all the media correctly. (Right now... I can see the changes in HyperHQ.. but nothing gets transferred over to Hyperspin) Im ok with their login system... I mean im sure they want to promote their memberships etc... All the other features seem to be great. The code is sound.
  3. Im assuming the project is taking a break (Maybe dead)... or theres a huge rewrite of the cache coming. Which seems to be the source of all the issues.
  4. I got a monster of a machine
  5. Nope... Nothing... Ive already tried all this btw.
  6. Everything works... Except the Media Syncing to Hyperspin. I think the plugin has to be rewritten or something. (Even tried running everything as Admin All the features are great... THe loading of systems has massively improved... But the media simple wont sync... even with the emumovies video. The only thing that seems to sync are the system themes. Yet you can see all the media, even in overrides... in HyperHQ. Once you get this all working... It should be good! Also if your trying to reassign buttons.... Enter and Escape work great. 2 works fine. 1 doesnt work. Escape works fine. Also when you click on Launch hyperspin in HyperHQ... the button doesnt do anything. Also when I click on Validate media and Validate Overrides... the screen pops up for a brief blip... and vanishes.. Its either Syncing super fast.. or crashing and not syncing at all.
  7. The names are the exact same as i used the same roms This is an old post now... Ill have to try the new version and reportt back later
  8. Ive only got 2 systems added... Mame and Sega Model 3 - Clean installation Loadingn times are still atrocious - Gets stuck at loading wheel data for a long time.. the restt is a bit faster but not much Custom system media doesnt get added at all Pressing the hypersoin launch button from HyperHq doesnt do anything anymore I got mame to sync the overrides but when scrolling between the video themes from emumovies...half the time the new theme doesnt load Getting things to sync at all is a serious choir... I trying model 3 now after resyncing overrides... im hoping it syncs.. Uses the wheel media and and the videos (UPDATE: I didnt sync anything, wheels and media from overrides were ignored) Changing the buttons doesnt work half the time. Kicks you out like your pressing exit The softare is progressing but this cache system of giving everything a directory address in a data file, is killing the entire system. If everything has to be read.... this new version will never get off the ground as your probably talking millionso of hard directory saves. No CPU in the world will be able to read a file with millions of directories in an effecient order. This is 2 systems... Wait till you add MS Dos... Commodore 64... Playstation 2, Playstation 1... Or anything with a lot of games... Your talking TONS of files that all have to have a directory entry in a data base. Coding in one thing... but has anybody from the forums actually setup a system with 100 different wheels and confirmed that its working? I dont think anybody has....
  9. 2.0.34 - Hyperspin Core 1.1.0 - Hyperspin Core essentials
  10. From what I can see... there are large problems with the Cache as well as other things. (It actually worked better in previous iterations... I think) THings seem to work in HyperHQ... but when transfering over to hyperspin. Nothing is being transferred over the way it should.. 1. Full screen videos arent working for anything 2. Wheels sometimes work... 3. The video in mame sometimes doesnt match the border. Not all the time though. 4. The boxart is getting stuck behind the wheels... not all the time though. 5. Ive only added 3 systems. Your version of mame, which seems to have better overrides but still not 100 perccent. My version of mame for testing to compare. And Atari 7800. MAME - My version - No overrides work... Meaning no media at all. MAME - Your Version - Some of the overrides work. Wheel overrides are ignored but show up in HyperHQ, your wheels with the weird codes show up though, Videos do seem to work. Themes dont work at all. Theyre just ignored. Atari 7800 - Wheel overrides seem to work. Main menu - Wheel overrides seem to work... I think... But not working for your version of mame. Ive renamed mame to "Arcade (MAME)" Theme Menu - Atari 7800 seems to work... Both mames dont Also the loading... for only 3 systems is getting quite long.. takes like 5 mins for the loading to complete when hyperspin is loaded. Also the media syncs also take a minute. And this is for 3 systems... Imagine adding a 100 or more....
  11. The improvements are massive! Testing out the custom system.. Added mame. Cause I already have my own set. Added the emumovies movies and logo set to overrides. Nothing is being added to Hyperspin. You can see it however in HyperHQ. I went into the settings and validated both regular and override tabs. But nothing got nothing but a grey wheel in hyperspin.
  12. You probably added the roms accidently
  13. Emulators get stuck... Mame wont unpack when adding mame to the setup either.
  14. 1. Adding MAME Emulator is stuck. Wouldnt unpack Mame. (I clicked the settings tab and it kicked me back to the system menu) 2. Then I decided to add a custom emulator. Which was mame... and it hung on the Emulator screen after trying to choose/create an emulator. (Just the blue background) Also version 45... Took an hour to install. It would slowly go up 1 percent. (I think this was fixed as when it was done it asked me to install a new version)
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