Thank for your answer! Yes, i think about that, if the rom names changes it will be a big problem. Another question... can i use the databases postes here (0.181) with my romset (0.180)? Would be any problem? I think that the only problem i will have is that the new database have some games i don't have...
Thanks again!
Do you speak spanish? Jaja...
Wow!! Downloading it! I'm building a near-perfect MAME Setup and is very very long work... I'm deleting entries in the database, renaming logos, etc. I'm using the 0.180 database.
I'm sure this will help me a lot.
I have a question. When the database change (from 0.180 to 0.181 for example), does the names of some roms change? So.. if the rom name changes... a full rename is needed with the game logo/intro video/game theme...
What i want to say is... does this set works for me that i have "everything" for 0.180??
Thank you very much!!
Thanks for all the info guys... now i must try lot of emu's, like Xebra or Mednafen for PSX, because i always used ePsxe, and worked well for me.
I never used Mednafen or RetroArch, so i must sit a couple of hours and give them a try.
Thanks again!