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Everything posted by EyMannMachHin

  1. Blimey... that's what i get for not going through all the backlog and files ... I guess I could have saved me the work I had done when uploading my own version of the dev DB
  2. Oh.. cool! Es gibt ja hier tatsächlich Leute die sich um nationale Datenbanken kümmern Ich hab in die HyperWorld Boards bis jetzt noch nicht reingeschaut, deswegen verzeiht, wenn ich hier offene Türen einrenne. Klar, die nationalen (sprachlichen...) Splittergruppen sind eher klein, da die Leute die sich mit Emulatoren beschäftigen ja eh alle verrückt genug sind und meist auch alle Englisch sprechen Aber ich hab mich ja in einigen posts schon etwas aus dem Fenster gelehnt, was die Internationalität angeht. Gebt mit noch so 1-2 Wochen und wir können das mal um ein paar ältere Systeme erweitern. Persönlich bin ich nämlich noch garnicht bei (3)DS(i) und Wii(U) angekommen, aber für die älteren Cartridgesysteme geht was!
  3. Nintendo 64 2.0 Dev Version View File A small update to the N64 development database. I added CRC values that were missing for the Japanese games and added the following translations: Animal Forest (Doubutsu no Mori) (Translated En by Zoinkity) new, aka. Animal Crossing, I left the Japanese title in Bomberman 64 (Japan) (Arcade Edition) (Translated En by Zoinkity) replaces Bomberman 64 (Japan) (Arcade Edition) Chameleon Twist (Japan) (Translated En by Zoinkity) different gamplay from the international version Densha de Go! 64 (Japan) (Translated En by Zoinkity) I left the untranslated Japanese version in because I did not playtest it, I currently only run RetroArch and that crashes on this Note: I only gave credit to the translator in the description, the game name will just have '(Translated En)' All CRCs I added are based on the Doctor V64 format (Technically speaking: byte-swapped big-endian), that the rest of the datfile seems to have been generated from. Personally I do prefer the Mr. Backup Z64 format, since that uses the native byte order (plain big-endian), meaning when you open the file in a hex editor you can read the cartridge title without twisting your mind Incidentally that is also the fileformat you need to use when you apply the translation patches to the original ROMs. Translation patches come from: RomHacking.net When you need to convert ROMs to the appropriate format, I suggest you try ucon64 which is kind of swiss army knife Submitter EyMannMachHin Submitted 05/28/2017 Category Databases (XML) Credits
  4. Version 2.0 DEV


    A small update to the N64 development database. I added CRC values that were missing for the Japanese games and added the following translations: Animal Forest (Doubutsu no Mori) (Translated En by Zoinkity) new, aka. Animal Crossing, I left the Japanese title in Bomberman 64 (Japan) (Arcade Edition) (Translated En by Zoinkity) replaces Bomberman 64 (Japan) (Arcade Edition) Chameleon Twist (Japan) (Translated En by Zoinkity) different gamplay from the international version Densha de Go! 64 (Japan) (Translated En by Zoinkity) I left the untranslated Japanese version in because I did not playtest it, I currently only run RetroArch and that crashes on this Note: I only gave credit to the translator in the description, the game name will just have '(Translated En)' All CRCs I added are based on the Doctor V64 format (Technically speaking: byte-swapped big-endian), that the rest of the datfile seems to have been generated from. Personally I do prefer the Mr. Backup Z64 format, since that uses the native byte order (plain big-endian), meaning when you open the file in a hex editor you can read the cartridge title without twisting your mind Incidentally that is also the fileformat you need to use when you apply the translation patches to the original ROMs. Translation patches come from: RomHacking.net When you need to convert ROMs to the appropriate format, I suggest you try ucon64 which is kind of swiss army knife
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is a Windows Powershell script. It will take the information from a MAME software list and from a HyperSpin database XML and try to match the entries by the ROM CRC32 value. When it finds a match, it will update the information from the HyperSpin Database XML to the MAME software list name. When it doesn't find a match for a game in the HyperSpin data, it will log that event. When done, it will write the information to an output file of your choosing (be careful, you can choose to overwrite your original database ) You can configure the files either in the script itself using your favourite text editor, or you comment them out and the script will open Open and Save file dialogs, so you can pick them yourself at runtime. And you definitely need to open and edit it to match your MAME and HyperSpin config. And READ the Fine Comments I left in there about how it works and what it does Note: This is a Powershell script. On Windows 8.1 and above, Powershell comes preinstalled with your Windows. Windows 8 and below can install Powershell, by downloading it from Microsoft https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/mt173057.aspx But even on Windows 8.1 and 10 you will need to relax the the execution policy to allow to run those scripts locally. This can be done by starting an elevated (aka "Run as administrator") powershell and execute the following command: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned Disclaimer: It did not break my system. It does not do any nasty stuff to your Windows environment. So you should be good, too. But you should always be careful and work on your backups!
  6. Atari Lynx Database View File I took the liberty of patching up the Atari Lynx database from Hyper List to include the latest updates from the No-Intro database. It is in sync now with the 2017-02-04 version. It contains the playable prototypes as well as the missing Baseball Heroes official cart. I left out the Protos that have an actual release version. Submitter EyMannMachHin Submitted 05/15/2017 Category Databases (XML) Credits  
  7. Version 1.2


    I took the liberty of patching up the Atari Lynx database from Hyper List to include the latest updates from the No-Intro database. It is in sync now with the 2017-02-04 version. It contains the playable prototypes as well as the missing Baseball Heroes official cart. I left out the Protos that have an actual release version.
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